Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Ragimov, Rauf 
. Piocded areas - dd] d km 
operating Tout square of fioodod areas ~362. 9 km? 
ission of Forecast far areas Hood » 1288 km? 
ocessing HT dmvelo2 8 8 m, areas 
1979-level-28.8 m, area: 76.6 
Wtiistioh E98 devel 262 m, ara:38.2 
y us the 158 3-levelz2I 0 m, ares:21.9 
toring of 196-level 217.8 m. amat 
1e salted 1968-lével-07.5 m, anect5 3 
190 -bmeb: 27.1 m, atescsR 
1992. level 5 26.0 m, soe 05 
structure a 
vare an d 198 develod6.f m. ansa kt 
1996-hevel:26.5 m, uncis 
26.3 1, arte: OO 
2060-1eveb6. T m ane E? 
30905-1cvol-25.6 m, aria: 43,7 
oeahities 201 -evels 25.2 m, are 43.7 
digitized SS 
tables. Fig.I. Flooded ares in Neftehala district of Azerbaijan 
ng ofa 
led after 
oring of 
pond to Flooded arcas 210.8 km. : 
Total square of flooded nreas «180.7 Km 
Forecast foe anas flood - 30,6 km? 
s I977-Kvel-28.9 mn, ds 
igures 1 = 
aps For 1979-fovel. 28,6 m, aren; 50 
ta banks HIRT bevel 228.2 em, apes: pO 
he [983-kcvel-28,0 om, ares: 4.5 
aona i 
I986-Ieve:-27,8 im, ateuc 5.8 
1988-lovek-27,5 m, area: ]8.2 
sults of 1991 bevel 27,1 m, area: 63.2 
r output 
t994-bevel--25.6 m, ares 11,6 
1996-devel--26,5 m, aea: 5.3 
1908-Mevel:26.3 m, amar 66 
ation of 2050 -hevel.-386.1 in, area: 8.4 
echnical bn 
2UO5-Revel:-23.6 m, aren 0.7 
2010-Kvel:-25.2 m, area: 8,7 
mation levelze25.2 m. 
», Baku, dem : 
Fig.2. Flooded area in Lenkoran district of Azerbaijan 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 1209 

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