Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

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implies that, in spite of the profitability on growing paddy, the issue of availability of sufficient labour may be more 
predominant here and so, most of the other locations have moved to the crop maize, as a trade-off between keeping their 
agricultural revenues and the issue of labour availability. In contrast to this, we find from Figure 4(b), in case of grids 
located far away from the Urban areas, the primary source of income is the agricultural revenue and the land use in all 
(a) Income Graph (Around Urban Center) (b) income Graph (Far from Urban Center) 
Grid Nos. Grid Nos. 
B Revenue mGen Cost nón Farm. Inc o Off Farm Inc moross Inc 
Figure 4. The composition of rural economy in grids (a) around the urban area; and (b) far from the urban area 
these grids are Paddy. The contribution from off-farm income sources are of the order of 20% to 30% in these grids, 
with the lower side being in grids with a comparatively lower population density. 
6.1 Land Use Change 
We use the ‘profit maximization’ as the guiding principle along with a comparative ranking system (‘risk aversion’) to 
help in deciding the land use for a given land unit. As fluctuations in income over a short time frame is quite natural, we 
prescribe an income range, instead of a single value comparison, to determine the shifts. The age distribution and 
educational levels of the population in the respective grids are used to derive the behavioural patterns that are liable to 
influence the decision making process. 
"fiu 90 * Lu90. r. final 
[7] Area Out of Interest [7] Area Out of Interest 
ES Urban Areas ES Urban Areas 
Paddy Paddy 
Paddy + Other LUs 
Major Crops 
Major Crops + Other LUs 
533 Closed Forests 
Forests + Other LUs 
Forests + Paddy, Crops 
Open (Deg.) Forests 
Open Forests + Paddy, Crops 
Grasslands, Bush + Other LUs 
Grasslands,Bush + Paddy,Crops 
Others (Mine, Wetland, etc) 
Others + Other LUs 
Other LUs + Paddy,Crops 
Water Bodies 
(2) (b) 
Figure 5. (a) Shows the Simulated Land Use Map of Thailand in 1990 based on the model simulation run from 
1980-90; and (b) the Existing Land Use Map of Thailand in 1990. 
Paddy + Other LUs 
Major Crops 
Major Crops + Other LUs 
ESSI Closed Forests 
Forests + Other LUs 
FE Forests + Paddy,Crops 
Open (Deg.) Forests 
Open Forests + Paddy,Crops 
Grasslands, Bush 
E Grasslands,Bush * Other LUs 
Grassiands,Bush + Paddy,Crops 
M Others (Mine, Wetland, etc) 
Others + Other LUs 
Other LUs + Paddy,Crops 
Ill Water Bodies 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 1217 

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