Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Mroz, Marek 
We have had at our disposal the forest sites map at 1:25 000 scale. This map can be called also "forest vegetation map" 
or biotops map because the contents of it is derived from trees, undergrowth (underbush) and ground flora 
differentiation. This differentiation have a quite strong relationships with geological and soils conditions. 
Aside from forest sites differentiation the information about species and stand age can be found on this map. These 
informations are marked by symbols and numbers for each elementary unit of forest (contours). Forest sites are shown 
with colours. See fig.1. 
Puszeza Biala forest. 
Forest sites map (forest vegetation map) 
Aue EN 2,000 00 
in analogue form. 
The sites map has been scanned in 256 colours mode and limits of units (subdivisions) have been on-screen digitized 
using CARTALINX software. After digitizing of all boundaries full topology of arcs and nodes has been created. This 
has made possible to create the polygons representing the forest units characterized by 4 attributes (codes): ID_Number, 
code of type of site, code of species, code of stand age class. More than 1200 polygons have been created and tabular 
database in ACCESS format has been attached to them. Vector form of data has been converted next in raster form and 
digital codes of attributes from database have been converted in pixel values. Raster image resolution is compatible 
with original SPOT XS pixel dimensions i.e. 20 x 20m. At this point we have had at our disposal three raster 
information layers issued from "Forest sites map": 
- Sites types (vegetation), 
- Species of trees, 
- stand age (age of trees). 
See fig. 2 ,3 and 4 showing these layers in digital raster form with the appropriate legends. Certain plots of forest 
(polygons) have been masked because of lack of information about any of three mentioned before attributes. 
Figure 1. Forest sites map. 
912 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 
Figure : 

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