Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Rao, D.P. 
ty where p is total production, R is resources used, and C is cost of the resources 
al and n is the number of resources used in achieving total production. 
ly | 
ch | (iii) Sustainability coefficient (Cs) which is dynamic and is problem or mission- 
ial oriented is another indicator of sustainability. There are three basic systems, 
of natural human-made and interface. One such proposed coefficient for a human- 
ad made system may be as follows( Lal,1991). 
Cs = f(Oi,Od, Om)t 
where Oi =Output per that unit input that maximizes the per capita productivity 
of or profit 
t. Od = Output per unit decline in the most limiting or non-renewable resource 
ly. Om = Minimum assured output 
ty : 
ad | The exact nature of the function may be site-specific and will need input from 
he local empirical research data. For a natural system the sustainability coefficient 
ta (Cs), mentioned above, could be modified to account for the role of human being 
et and could be written as (Rao and Chandrashekhar, 1996). 
er Cs = f (0i,0d,Om,HDI)t 
where HDI=Human Development Index. 
er Further, in case of a interface system also the HDI becomes very important 
modulating factor for deriving sustainability indices. Conceptually, it can be 
formulated as (Rao and Chandrashekhar,1996). 
ar] Cs = f (Oi,Od,Om}t. HDI 
[Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite index of achievements in basic 
human capabilities in three fundamental dimensions - a long and healthy life; 
knowledge and decent standard of living (UNDP,1996) Three variables have 
been chosen to represent these three dimensions - life expectancy, educational 
)st attainment and income. The longevity is measured by life expectancy at birth, 
educational attainment is measured by a combination of adult literacy (two-third 
weights) and combined primary, secondary and tertiary enrolment ratios (one- 
third weight); and weight of living as measured by real GDP per capita (PPP$). 
For computation of index fixed minimum and maximum values have been 
established for each of these indicators. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 1237 

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