Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Rao, D.P. 
development land and water resources. Various steps involved are described 
hereunder : 
8.2.1 Generation of Thematic Maps 
To begin with, the watershed boundaries were taken from the published 
Watershed Atlas (All India Soil and Land Use Survey,1990). Further divisions 
within each watershed in terms of sub-watershed, mini- watershed, and micro- 
watershed were made following the guidelines laid down by the All India Soil and 
Land Use Survey (1991). Thematic maps on hydrogeomorphological condition, 
soil resources and present land use/land cover have been generated through 
systematic visual interpretation and/digital analysis of IRS-IA/B LISS-II 
multispectral data with 36.25m resolution in conjunction with the collateral 
information supported by adequate ground truth. The information, thus derived, 
on lithology of the area and geomorphic features therein was used to infer 
ground water potential of each lithological unit based on geomorphic features 
and recharge conditions. Soil resources map of the area was prepared by 
delineating sub-divisions within each geo-morphic units based on erosion status, 
land use/land cover and image elements, namely colour, texture, shape, pattern, 
association, etc. Soil composition of each geomorphic unit was defined by 
studying the typical soil profiles in the field and classifying them upto series level 
according to Soil Taxonomy (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1998) based on 
morphological characteristics and chemical analyses data. In addition, derivative 
maps, namely land capability and land irrigability were generated from the 
information on soils and terrain conditions based on criteria laid down by All 
India Soil and Land Use Survey (1970). Besides, land use/land cover maps were 
prepared using monsoon (kharif) and winter (rabi) crop growing seasons and 
summer period satellite data, and single-cropped and double-cropped areas 
apart from other land use/land cover categories were delineated. Furthermore, 
micro watersheds and water bodies were delineated and the drainage network 
have also been mapped. 
Slope maps showing various slope categories were prepared based on contour 
information (20m contour interval) available at 1:50,000 scale Survey of India 
topographical maps. Road network and the location and extent of settlements 
were also taken from topographical sheets. Demographic and socio-economic 
data were analysed to generate information on population density, tribal 
population, literacy status, economic backwardness and the availability of basic 
8.2.2 Generation of Action Plan 
Generation of action plan involves a careful study of thematic maps on land and 
water resources both individually as well as in combination to identify various 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000.

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