Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Mroz, Marek 
From "A" data set we have obtained , after aggregation of clusters, two main classes "coniferous" and "mixed 4 
deciduous". See fig.7. 
We have achieved a good conformity of these classes with "Species" layer. It has been respectively 88 % for deciduous 
and 82 % for coniferous categories. This confirms that satellite image can be a good, alternative source of information 
for these forest types differentiation. An ambiguity (discrepancy between map and image) appears for the areas of 
mixed forest. The areas of mixed forest consisting of birch, oak and other deciduous species with the addition of pine 
can easily be distinguished on satellite image, but this differentiation is not clearly indicated neither on "Forest sites" 
nor "Species" map. Fresh mixed forest showed on forest sites map covers the areas of predominant pine as well as the 
areas of different deciduous woods. 
From "B" data set (including NDVI image) we have extracted , as one can see on fig. 8, pine pure stands, mixed areas 
consisting of mixture of coniferous and deciduous species, deciduous areas consisting of different broad-leaved trees 
and alder woods. It is very positive from our point of view that on the basis of "ndvi" we could extract alder forest from 
others deciduous areas. Alder forest indicates strong relationship with soils types. 
From "C" data set we have extracted alder forest, mixed (pine + deciduous) forest and two new categories: 1/ very old 
pine stands (more than 60 years) with poor ground flora and 2/ coniferous greenwood. See fig. 9. The first category is 
characterized by quite dispersed set of trees. The second category have been classified in previous cases ("A" and "B") 
as mixed forest (pine + others). Further terrain investigations are needed for better description of these sites. 
Clusters issued from "A" colour composite - aggregated. 
deciduous + mixed 
Fig. 7. Classes obtained from "A" data set. 
916 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 
Fig. 8. | 
Fig. 9. 

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