Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Rokos, Demetrius 
lation | this decision is a topographic diagram. 
Category 8: Building Associations 
S by | Law provisions ; Description 
| Art. 21 Law 431/1968 Allows the cession of public forestland to Building Associations formed by members of the 
as amended by Law | Military or public servants for the construction of buildings for accommodation or 
ise or | 666/1979 recreation. 
ig one | 
> Council of State | The Council decided that Art. 21 Law 431/1968 as amended by Law 666/1979 runs against 
photos Decisions 1009/87 and | the constitutional duty of the State to protect the forests of the Country and can no longer 
4884/1987 be applied. Land that had already been surrendered but had not been built before the 1974 
Constitution came into force, is not excluded from this decision. 
Table 1. Analysis of the Forest Law 
4.1 Issues to be demonstrated by Photo-interpretation and Remote Sensing methods and techniques 
ight of Following the legislation analysis given in chapter 3, table 2 shows what has to be demonstrated for each thematic legal 
stated category by the use of Photointerpretation and/or Remote Sensing methods and techniques (Karathanassi et al., 1998, 
would 2000). 
Category As demonstrated by EO data 
1| Forest and forest area | The forest character of an area in the year that the earliest air-photos exist, that is 
characterization 1937 for Attica and 1945 for the rest of the country. 
2 | Extension of city plans The non forest character of an area subject to be incorporated in a city plan. 
3 | Fencing of private forests | Fences on forests and forest areas. 
and forest areas 
ed that 4 | Illegal building The location and the period of construction of any building on forests and forest 
legal. areas. 
5| Fragmentation Building plots and/or fences on forests and forest areas. 
6 | Quarries The location of quarries and if possible, whether the quarries are active or disused. 
7 | Reforestation of burnt The burnt forest areas. 
forest areas 
8 | Building Associations The use of forests and forest areas before and after 1974. 
ee Table 2. Remote Sensing Interface 
4.2 Objects/patterns to be detected. Spatial, spectral, temporal requirements for EO data 
without : 
285/93, In table 3, the primary objects/patterns to be detected, concerning the characterization of an area as a forest or forest 
a more area, is listed in the first category. The other categories depend specifically on the presence of a forest or forest area. 
Objects/patterns substantiating potential law encroachment are listed in them (Rokos, 1988, Konecny, 1995). 
Category Objects / patterns to be detected | Spatial Image requirements 
| of the | requirements : 
bject to 1 | Forests and | Surface / spatial patterns showing | Spatial units of The earlier  air-photos 
in most forest areas | the mixed class of “natural | 50,000 to 1,000 sqm available for the Greek 
characterization | vegetation — soil — shadows” have | size have to meet the | territory, dated in 1937 for 
to be identified. The participation of | spectral requirements | Attica and in 1945 for the 
only be each member in the mixed class is | of the — defined | rest of Greece. 
areas in not constant, as it depends on | patterns. Monitoring of the area 
natural ~~ vegetation density. character by the use of 
Consequently, a range of spatial recent high resolution 
patterns with different spectral remote sensing images 
be other | characteristics have to be defined (SPOT XS, LANDSAT TM, 
by Other first. IRS) helps confirm its forest 
on. character. 
ct issues 
ached to | 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 1271 

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