Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Rokos, Demetrius 
2 | Extension of 
Linear (private roads, fences, etc.) 
Spatial units of 2,000 
Very high resolution remote 
and forest areas 
city plans and surface / spatial patterns | to 200 sqm size have | sensing images e.g. SPOT 
(buildings, building plots, etc.) have | to meet the spectral | panchromatic images, KVR, 
to be identified. requirements of the | IRS, IKONOS, and/or air- 
spatial patterns. photos. 
3 | Fencing of | Linear patterns have to be | None. KVR, IKONOS images, 
private forests | identified. air-photos. 
4 | Illegal building 
Point or surface/spatial patterns 
(depending on the size of the 
building and image resolution) have 
to be identified on a time series of 
images to detect buildings' location 
and reveal the time of their 
Spatial units of 200 
sqm size have to meet 
the spectral 
requirements of the 
spatial patterns. 
Very high resolution remote 
sensing images (KVR, 
IKONOS) and/or air-photos 
taken in various years. 
5 | Fragmentation 
Linear (fences) patterns and/or 
spatial/surface ^ patterns with 
spectral characteristics different 
from those of the surrounding area 
have to be identified. 
Spatial ^ units of 
500sqm size at least. 
KVR, IKONOS images, air- 
photos for linear patterns. 
SPOT XS, IRS for spatial 
6 | Quarries 
Spatial/surface patterns have to be 
recognized on a time series of 
remote sensing images to detect 
Various as required, 
depending on quarry 
IRS images, air-photos taken 
in various years. 
quarry location and activities. 
7 | Reforestation of | Surface/spatial patterns ~~ with | Spatial units of | SPOT XS, LANDSAT TM, 
burnt forest specific spectral signature have to | 1,000sqm size at | IRS, IKONOS multispectral 
areas be recognized. least. images and air-photos taken 
in various years. 
8 | Building Surface / spatial patterns have to be | Spatial units of Air-photos taken before 
Associations identified. 200sqm size at least | 1974 and very high 
have to meet the | resolution remote sensing 
spectral requirements | images (KVR1000, 
of the spatial | IKONOS) and/or air-photos 
patterns. taken after this year. 
Table 3. Objects/patterns to be detected. Spatial, spectral, temporal requirements for EO data. 
4.3 Remote Sensing Methods and Techniques 
4.3.1 Pre-processing methods and techniques. Among pr 
considered mandatory. Radiometric correction, topographic norma 
e-processing methods, the geometric correction is 
lization and atmospheric correction could be 
considered optional, depending on the image quality and on topographic and atmospheric conditions. 
4.3.2 Image processing methods and techniques. These are listed in the table 4 (Rokos, 1988, 1994b). 
Category Image processing methods and techniques 
1 Forests and 
forest areas 
natural vegetation. 
e Application of photo-interpretation methods and techniques on the air-photos taken in 
° Application of photo-interpretation methods and techniques on the most recent air- 
e Application of vegetation indices on multispectral satellite imagery to identify natural 
e Application of classification algorithms on multispectral satellite imagery to identify 
e Application of change detection algorithms on two sets of remote sensing data to 
indicate temporal changes in forests and forest areas. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 

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