Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Schardt, Mathias 
Hyyppä, J., Hyyppä, H. and Samberg, A., 1999. Assessing forest stand attributes by laser scanner. In: Proceedings of 
SPIE, Laser Radar Technology and Applications IV, SPIE, pp. 57—69. 
Keil, M., Schardt, M., Schurek, A. and Winter, R., 1990. Forest mapping using satellite imagery. the regensburg map 
sheet 1:200.000 as example. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (45), pp. 33-46. 
M. Schardt, 1990. Verwendbarkeit von thematic mapper-daten zur klassifizierung von baumarten und natiirlichen alter- 
sklassen. Dissertation, Forstwissenschaftliche Fakultát der Unversitát Freiburg. 
M. Schardt, H. Kenneweg, H., 1995. Upgrading of an integrated forest information system by use of remote sensing. In: 
Proc. of the IUFRO XX World Congress, Tampere, Finland. 
Nässet, E., 1997. Determination of mean tree height of forest stands using airborne laser scanner data. ISPR J. Pho- 
togramm. Remote Sensing 52, pp. 49—56. 
Ruppert, G., Wimmer, A., Beichel, R. and Ziegler, M., 2000. An adaptive multi-resolutional algorithm for high precision 
forest floor dtm generation. In: to be published in Proceedings of SPIE, Laser Radar Technology and Applications V. 
Samberg, A., Hyyppä, J., Ruppert, G., Hyyppá, H., Ziegler, M., Schardt, M. and Soininen, A., 1999. An evaluation of 
the laser scanner data in the forest area. In: Proceedings of SPIE, Laser Radar Technology and Applications IV, SPIE, 
pp. 570—581. 
Schardt, M. and Schmitt, U., 1996. Klassifikation des waldzustandes für das bundesland kürnten mittels satellitendaten. 
Ósterreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessung & Geoinformation. 
Ziegler, M., H.Konrad, Hofrichter, J., Wimmer, A., Ruppert, G., Schardt, M. and Hyyppi, J., 2000. Assessment of forest 
attributes and single-tree segmentation by means of laser scanning. In: to be published in Proceedings of SPIE, Laser 
Radar Technology and Applications V. 
1324 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000.

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