Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Naburo, Njohjam Peter 
Mapinfor 4.1 and ArcInfo Gis software were used to generate spatial solutions to these problems. 
Finally land is rationally used according to the plan conceived and agreed by all stakeholders and the 
resources are now managed for the benefit of the present and future generations. 
In Cameroon the concept of landuse planning just started some few years ago initiated by conservation 
projects working on natural resource management. Bilateral cooperation signed by the Cameroon 
government with developed countries Germany and Britain has come to the assistance of local 
populations within the Mount Cameroon region to develop a landuse plan for the sustainable 
management of natural resources. Through their technical services such as GTZ and DFID working in 
collaboration for a common goal on Mount Cameroon, there was a need to develop a base map of the 
project area at scale 1:200000 and a current land use map at scale 1:75000. 
1. The Project Region: 
For administrative and management purposes, the project region is defined by administrative units 
boundaries. This include six subdivisions and one district as follows: 
Mbonge subdivision, Buea, Tiko, Limbe, Bamusso and Idenau district where we find Debuncha the 
second wettest place in the world after Chiranpunji. These boundaries are natural (water courses, hills) 
or artificial boundaries (bench marks). 
2.1.  Landuse types in the Project Region: 
Landuse has been classified in a manner that will be handled in the GIS database. This include: 
Agriculture (Industrial, Subsistence,) wildlife, forest, (protected and Communal forest), settlements, 
water course network, road network. 
22. Landuse Allocation 
2.2.1 Agriculture: 
This comprises industrial, commercial, and subsistence agriculture. 
Industrial Agriculture is developed by the Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) and plantations 
PAMOL du Cameroun. The CDC is the major stakeholder in the study region and deals with; oil palm, 
tea, pepper, rubber and banana, planting and exporting. This is also the second employer after the 
Cameroon government. Commercial agriculture is managed by individuals who plant and market 
rubber (latex), cocoa , palm oil and also foodstuff. 
As it concerns subsistence agriculture, it is actually difficult to have farmers solely working for 
consumption because every one has been constraint by the economic crisis to generate income for 
subsistence thus making farmers to always sell part of their foodstuff. 
2.2.2 Wildlife: 
This has been considered a landuse type because of the socio-economic impact it has on the national 
economy and ecotourism. Most endangered wildlife species are found on mount Cameroon. 
948 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 
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