Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

J In 
Naburo, Njohjam Peter 
The location of hunters’camps on the mountain according to Global Positioning System (GPS) 
mapping are within the elephant grazing range . 
2.2.3 Forest: 
Two main categories of forests exist within the study area. Protected forests managed by the state for 
production and conservation purposes and communual forests which belongs to the local Community 
Settlement are built-up areas, they are either rural or urban settlements, these include : villages, cities, 
2.2.4 Water Courses: 
These are rivers, lakes, ocean., River Mungo, Lake Barombi Kotto, Barombi Mbo , River Meme and 
Atlantic Ocean. 
22.5 Road Network: 
Is the landuse type that links one village, city or town to another. The various categories in the GIS 
database are listed below. 
3.0 Development of the base map for the project region. 
Field mapping was undertaken by the landuse planner and the cartographer. During the field work, 
meetings were held with the local and administrative heads who showed the limits of their 
administrative units. This information was marked on an existing IGN map of scale 1/200.000 and 
contained the following thematic layers: 
- Principal tarred roads. - Principal untarred roads. - Foot paths. 
- Secondary road - Plantation road 
- Administrative Boundaries - Settlements (towns, villages) 
Contour lines. 
Protected Forests. 
- Water Course (water network) 
Roads network 
This information was digitized using PC Arc/Information software and a new project map was 
produced at scale 1:200.000. 
With the project region map now available in digital and hard copy formats, there was a need to update. 
the base map with new data from various components of the project. During the previous years of the 
project pilot phase, many data was collected with the G.P.S., some from old maps at various scales 
others from existing literature. There was now a need to install a Geographic Information System (GIS) 
unit in the project. 
3.1 Stakeholders in the study area . 
- The Government of Cameroon GOC.- Fishermen 
- Mount Cameroon Project MCP - Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) 
- International NGOs GTZ, DFID,GEF- Local Communities, NGOs 
- Farmers - Hunters - Tourists 
- Timber Exploiters - Honey Collectors 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000. 949 

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