Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Narayan, L.R.A. 
meter resolution of Space Image of USA can match aerial photographic data of matching resolution and capable 
of meeting the positional accuracy standards, is yet to be evaluated, although for some uses, these might meet 
the requirements, where positional accuracy may not be very important as these data can meet the standards of 
Use of Global positioning system has proliferated in India, although the receivers meeting the Geodetic accuracy 
standards are still expensive for many Indian users. Further the coordinates obtainable from such GPS receivers 
even by differential mode is not match able with the first order coordinate system of Indian mapping framework 
as the Indian mapping projection and coordinate systems are based on Polyconie projection and Everest 
spheroid, whereas the GPS is based on its own imaginary ellipsoid. The heights in Indian System is based on 
mean sea level, where as the GPS heights are based on its ellipsoid, although correcting the heights obtained by 
GPS is not so very difficult with mean sea level height. However, using Indian mapping coordinates is not very 
easy to access by all as it is subject to several restrictions. India's coordinate system is yet to be transformed to 
meet the standards of WGS 84 and in UTM projection system, as such, the main difficulties to be overcome is to 
enable large scale and effective usage of GIS in India with positionally accurate data base, which many high 
level people in authority is yet to realize and take bold steps. 
Integration of different kinds of data to provide new information is one of the strong charterestic of GIS usage. 
Besides, simulating new information and its effective usage for taking appropriate decision is still to become 
popular in India amongst various users of this technology. While everyone talks about GIS as a decision support 
system, most people are not familiar as to how this is to be done. In addition developing different query system 
to enable appropriate decision in the GIS domain has not been well developed, except for a small number of 
software developers, rather than many users. It is necessary to address these points jointly by the developers of 
software and user together to make GIS as a popular tool in countries like India. 
In conclusion it is to be stated that unless steps are taken by persons authority the effective utilization of GIS as 
a technology tool combined with Remote Sensed data as well as other collateral data may continue to be 
unrealistic although such technology usage may be well known, and competent people may also be available for 
such usage. The suggested solution may be as follows. 
a) Using Aerial photographic technique for map making, either by conventional Analytical photogrammetric 
machines, but with digital out put facility or by soft copy photogrammetric methods for production of 
large scale geographically accurate data bases. 
b) Realizing that Remote Sensing by far is only a descriptive tool and not a prescriptive tool. 
C) Closer linkage with public and low level users in the social fabric be established through Non- 
Governmental organizational (NGO) in teaching "do-how" rather than "know how". 
d) Bring in effective use of GIS, GPS and Geoinformatics in general for developing precision agricultural 
practices and water harvesting measures in semiarid regions in the country to increase agricultural, 
horticultural and floricultural productivity. 
e) Encourage private entrepreneurs in developing expertise and develop infrastructure as a profitable 
business, by high level officials and the Government by adopting a partnership attitude. 
f) Understanding the strengths and weakness of each such technology by all, to enable optimum usage. 
g) India is bestowed with a large population exceeding over a billion as such it is possible to train a large 
number of young boys and girls to the extent required to do ground surveys, for small areas of 5,000 to 
10,000 hectares, on large scales of say 1:1000 to 1:5000 with contours around 1 meter, using most 
modern digital total stations, laser rangers, digital levels etc., for use in computers directly to meet local 
requirements rather than waiting in all cases for aerial photographic availability and photogrammetric 
plotting mechanisms. Such ground surveys in small areas could be supported by national survey 
coordinates so that real world needs are met and adequate employment generated. This ofcourse, have 
to be properly designed and supervised by well qualified people, to reduce or eliminate errors. At 
present some people are doing it but to a very limited extent. We must note that a judicial mix of 
modern technologies with traditional technologies is not harmful and will perhaps be most suitable for a 
large underdeveloped country like India, with a large number of poor people. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000.

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