Full text: XIXth congress (Part B7,3)

Navone, Stella Maris 
The results of field measurements ( water and wind erosion,vegetation 
cover,salinization and human and animal pressure) were described in each landform. 
The upper part from the alluvial cones have moderate to severe level of water erosion 
cause in the low vegetation cover and the steep slope , slight wind erosion, no salinization, 
moderate animal pressure and slight human pressure, according to FAO we have moderate 
degree of desertification in this unit. 
The forests in the high terraces present moderate degree of water erosion due to the 
vegetation and the soils ;moderate salinization ;severe degree of wind erosion;moderate 
degree of human pressure and severe degree of animal pressure According to this factors 
the desertification in the high terraces is moderate 
East pediments in their lower part present very severe degree of desertification .They 
show very severe water and wind erosion,low vegetation cover,no salinitation, moderate 
human and animal pressure. 
Agriculture under irrigation were done in lower terraces They present moderate 
desertification degree due to vegetation and salinization. 
‚The quantitative level of desertification ,defined according FAO classification (1984) is 
shown in table 1. 
Table 1:Different levels of desertification due to field survey 
IS m 
on Degree Map Units 
None Floodplain 0 
Slight Alluvial plane 49,04 10,15 10,28 51.5 18 20,88 
Slight/mod High terraces 0 0 10,98 8.35 8,09 0 
Moderate Low terraces 35 21,91 38,99 23.66 8,9 26,55 
Mod. Sev. Alluvial fan;low 6,65 16,84 0,89 0 12,99 20,34 
Severe Alluvial fan 29,83 20,88 25,76 16.49 2,2 23,88 
Very Severe High 0 0 10,89 0 29,4 8,35 
The areal representation of the different levels of desertification obtained in the 
field ( figure 1) shows that moderate is the most enlargement degree follows by severe 
To analyse the different products of integration of radar and optical images we 
overlapped the boundaries of field map with each of the four enhanced images. 
We assigned the following values to characterize each map unit 1: No identifiable ; 2: 
Fairly identifiable and 3: Clearly identifiable as result for the visual 
comparison.These were shown in table 2. 
3 a 
Mod. Sev. 
Very Severe 
Figure 3 lets us see the product obtained by the Principal Component (PC) transform. 
We can see in table 3 the areal cover of the  desertification map units in 
enhanced image with PC transform ;field survey and IHS. 
968 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part B7. Amsterdam 2000.

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