Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,,Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
3D Line Reconstruction from Airborne Three-Line Scanner Data 
SanderQude Elberink, George Vosseiman.…………-<iaaimiitemnnnneeenen ea A 108 
Ground Surface Estimation from Airborne Laser Scanner Data Using Active Shape Models 
Magnus EImguist—""nsnpmeuenn{nenater ue Cana TE 114 
Surface Clustering from Airborne Laser Scanning Data 
Sagi Fig etrsceneseeaes etre rrerenenn tentait etat ececrrrearreea tata A SO 119 
Precise Orientation of SPOT Panchromatic Images with Tie Points to a SAR Image 
José 4. Gancalves, Ian } DOWMAN creer rntandmee Méehencere en ee etats nn ae 125 
Automatic DTM Generation from Three-Line-Scanner (TLS) Images 
Ain Grin, Li Thang.….netemmmneenenetta nt" menant FRETUM, TM 131 
Processing of 3D Building Models for Location Aware Applications 
Norbert Haala, Jan Bôhm, Martin Kadé +." 0atemnndeaue SR 138 
New Approach for Calibrating Off-the-Shelf Digital Cameras 
dymon F Habib, Sune W. Shin, Michel F. MOFGON cime emennmmatantcnnnsnnnenet entente denis 144 
Automatic Pose Estimation of Imagery Using Free-Form Control Linear Features 
Avian F. Habib, Sung W Shin, Michel F. Morcan.……………metaaeteanne none ne oT 150 
Triangulation of LH Systems ADS40 Imagery Using Orima GPS/IMU 
Ludger Hinsken, Scott Miller, Udo Tempelmann, Robert Uebbing, A. Stewart Walker... 156 
Urban Road Net Extraction Integrating Internal Evaluation Models 
Stefan Hitz, Albert Boumgariiet awsveert-vesewuatinicanmnçnts-cutidinet- cecrcmeneis uno 7 ee 163 
Knowledge-Based Building Detection Based on Laser Scanner Data and 
Topographic Map Information 
Alexandra D. Hofmanm, Hans-Gerd Maas, André Streileim.......... aeeemetedéiceernenstevsaettsditiestenestetute ente oc 169 
Parallel Approach to Binocular Stereo Matching 
Herbert Jal... mie Me E Ini ni st ens bere ra ih Tectia Aer ea ete i oa 175 
A Combined Estimation-Deformation Model for Area Detection: Application to 
Topographic Area Feature Update 
Sylvie Jodouin, Layachi Bentabet, Djemel Ziou, Jean Vaillancourt, Costas Armenakis............ 181 
MetropoGIS: A Semi-Automatic City Documentation System 
Andreas Klaus, Joachim Bauer, Konrad Karner, Konrad Schindler .............. e 187 
Perceptual Organization of 3D Surface Points 
Impyeona Lea; Ton Schent.……….…….………mdommmnennententatanensannnninmiannmee enareten net ALY 193 
Feature Extraction for Quality Assessment of Aerial Image Segmentation 
Valérie Letournel, Bülent Sankur, Frédéric Pradeilles, Henri Maître... ……_…cimmemsmmnmnnnnnnnnnttn nm eni 199 
Characterizing Image Quality: Blind Estimation of the Point Spread Function from a Single Image 
Mare laixen, Wolfgang FOISIREF ……———miocremimmanatienennmennnnntnntndtnne neumiieede notes ane 205 
Estimation of and View Synthesis with the Trifocal Tensor 
CETT 2015: AUREAM DON MM IAM Mri a oH bM A AD CUM d ban a ae 211

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