Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision‘, Graz, 2002 
4. The Matching Approach 
In our application of automatic DSM generation from TLS 
imagery, a combination of algorithms for grid point matching 
and feature point matching is used. Image pyramids are 
incorporated into the matching strategy. An image matching 
algorithm, which has the ability to bridge over the poor texture 
areas and preserve the terrain features at high accuracy, by 
using the TLS raw images, was developed. The work-flow of 
our combined matching approach is shown in Figure 2. 
[ TLS raw images and orientation data | 
| Image Pyramids | 
Geometrically Constrained 
_Eeature Point Matching _ 
DSM (Approx.) 
[ Relaxation Matching L1 Candidate 
Feat Search 
Point A À 
Extraction | [ DSM (intermediate) |} — ———m — 
[Modified MPGC | | GCMM (optional) | 
Final DSM 
Figure 2: Work-flow of our combined image matching 
4.1 Input Data and Derivation of Approximations 
The input data includes the TLS strip which normally consists 
of three images of the forward, nadir and backward view CCD 
arrays, and information about their interior and exterior 
orientation parameters (for details see Gruen and Zhang, 2002). 
Raw images from most other line-scanner digital sensors need a 
special rectification process in order to eliminate distortions 
caused by high frequency positional and attitude variations of 
the camera during the flight. In this rectification process, each 
scan-line of the raw image data is projected to a planar surface 
defined by a horizontal plane at the mean terrain height. 
Because of unknown object model at this point the rectified 
images have no correct geometry and the results of this process 
are only quasi-epipolar images. In the TLS system, a high 
quality stabilizer is used in image acquisition, so the raw image 
data can be directly used for image matching. 
The image pyramid starts from the original TLS image. Each 
pyramid level is generated by multiplying a generation kernel 
and reduces the resolution by factor 3. The pyramid level 
number is a pre-defined value which is either a user input or can 
be determined according to the height range of the imaging 
The approximations for the following matching procedures are 
extracted by geometrically constrained feature point matching, 
which exploits the orientations of the TLS (see Figure 3). 
Feature point extraction by using the Moravec interest operator 
is performed on the highest level of the image pyramid in the 
nadir view TLS image. Given a feature point in the nadir image, 
an image ray that connects the instant perspective center and 
this image point can be determined. Given a height 
approximation Zo and a height interval AZ, the coordinates of 
three object points (X,, Y, Zy-AZ), (Xo, Yo, Zo) and (Xj, Yi, Zo- 
AZ) can be computed by using the pixel coordinates and 
orientation elements. The height approximation Zo and the value 
AZ can be derived from the user input (the maximum, minimum 
and the average terrain height of the imaging area) By 
projecting these three object points back to the forward and 
backward view images, search windows can be determined. 
These windows are assumed to be rectangular for a small region 
in first approximation. Their width is + 5 to 11 pixels depending 
on the level of the pyramid. The matches in the search images 
are derived by cross-correlation technique, and they are 
accepted if their correlation coefficient lies above a certain user- 
defined threshold. We choose this threshold value as 0.9. As a 
result, for each feature point on the nadir view TLS image a 
conjugate image point triplet can be obtained. By using forward 
intersection some blunders can be detected. The matching result 
is used to interpolate the approximate values for the following 
relaxation matching on the highest level of the image pyramid. 
flight trajectory 
ul I 
Nadir Image 
search window 
Figure 3: The determination of the search window 
4.2 Grid Point Matching based on Relaxation 
The matching procedure can be treated as a labeling problem 
and solved by relaxation technique. That is, we regard the 
template image (for example, the nadir view image) as the 
model and another image as the scene, and then use the feature 
points in the model as a set of labels to label the feature points 
extracted from the scene. Relaxation is one of the efficient 
methods to solve the labeling problem. The work of Hancock 
and Kittler, 1990 that uses Bayesian probability theory has 
provided a theoretical framework and rigorous basis for the 
relaxation method. 
The important aspect of the relaxation matching algorithm that 
distinguishes it from the single point matching is its compatible 
coefficient function and its smoothness constraint satisfaction 
scheme (Baltsavias, 1991; Zhang et al, 1992). This is most 
important for areas with homogeneous or only little texture. In 
such areas, the single point matching is unable to match images 
because of the lack of information. With the smoothness 
constraint, such areas can be bridged over, assuming that the 
terrain surface varies smoothly over the area. 
Firstly, the points are selected in form of a regular grid in the 
template image (nadir view image). Given a grid point in the 
template image, a search window can be determined (see Figure 
3). The correct match of this point should lie in this search 
window. However, due to repetitive texture or poor texture 
information, there could be several candidate matches appearing 
in the search window. These candidate matches are located 
along the epipolar curve. They can be derived by traditional 
cross-correlation technique, and the candidate matches are 
selected if their correlation coefficient lies above a certain user- 
defined threshold (we choose this threshold value as 0.7). The 
approximations can be derived from the matching results of the 
previous pyramid level. 
Let /; be one of the grid points on the template image and /, 
(j=1,..,m) its candidate matches on the search image. P(i,j) is 
the probability of match /j—/;. Moreover, let I, be one of the 
A- 133 

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