ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,,Photogrammetric Computer Vision", Graz, 2002
linear features, some tie and control points in a self-calibration
process to estimate the following parameters:
e The EOP of the involved imagery and the IOP of the
involved cameras.
e The ground coordinates of tie points and the
parameters defining the straight lines in the object
As shown in Figure 1, for a frame camera, a straight line in the
object space will be a straight line in the image space in the
absence of distortions. Deviation from straightness in the image
space is a function of the distortion parameters. As mentioned
before, including straight lines in the bundle adjustment
procedure would require the answer to two main questions.
First, what is the most convenient model for representing
straight lines in the object and image space? Second, how can
we establish the perspective relationship between image and
object space lines? In this research, two points along the line
represent object space line. Those points are monoscopically
measured in one or two images within which this line appears.
The relationship between those points and the corresponding
object space points is modelled by the collinearity equations
(Equations 4 and 5). In the image space, the lines will be
defined by a sequence of intermediate points along the line.
Once again, those points are monoscopically measured (there is
no need to identify conjugate points in overlapping images).
This representation is useful since it allows us to individually
model and include the distortions at each of these points. The
perspective relationship between image and object space lines is
incorporated in a mathematical constraint. The underlying
principle in this constraint is that the vector from the
perspective centre to any intermediate image point along the
line lies on the plane defined by the perspective centre of that
image and the two points defining the straight line in the object
space. In other words, the three vectors (Figures 1 and 2):
eV, (the vector connecting the perspective centre to the
first point along the object space line).
e V, (the vector connecting the perspective centre to the
second point along the object space line).
e V, (the vector connecting the perspective centre to
any intermediate point along the image line) are
coplanar (Equation 6).
(9 xV,). P, =0 (6)
Figure 1. 3-D straight lines in frame camera imagery.
A - 146
(Xp 0: ZO D ,K )
1=1 X -Yo 7 y X
Z p (x,
(X, Y Zi) (X5, Yo Z,)
x-x, — distortion,
V, = R(® ,0 ,K ) y—y, - distortion,
Figure 2. Mathematical model for including straight lines in
frame camera imagery.
Equation 6 incorporates the image coordinates of the
intermediate point, EOP, IOP (which includes the distortion
parameters) as well as the ground coordinates of the points
defining the object space line. The constraint in Equation 6 can
be written for each intermediate point along the line in the
imagery. One should note that this constraint would not
introduce any new parameters. The number of constraints is
equal to the number of measured intermediate points along the
image line.
a A x
= ^x
Image 1 Image 2
wc à
a Xe a
^N ^w y
Image 3 Image 4
a \ a
| x
A Fg Va
Image 1 Image 2
d Ky, ?
Image 3 Image 4
e Points defining the line in the object space
X Intermediate Points
Figure 3. Schematic drawing representing two scenarios for the
selection of the end and intermediate points in
overlapping images.