Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
correlations between parameters. In general, the following 
could be observed: 
* There is high correlation between K, and K,. 
* There is high correlation between x , and Py. 
* There is high correlation between y p and Py. 
® There is high correlation between the IOP and EOP when 
using point-based self-calibration. This correlation is not 
observed when using line-based self-calibration. 
* The estimated A, and A; are not significantly different 
from zero. This indicates that there are no affine 
deformations associated with the involved camera. 
Moreover, using four parameters ( x p» Yp» €, Ky) resulted ina 
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variance component (O' ) that is not sienificantlv different 
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from the variance component obtained by considering nine IOP 
(x, Jp» €, Kj, Kj, Pi, P», Ay, Ay). Therefore, we concluded 
that considering x p» Jp» €» Ki sufficiently models the IOP of 
the involved camera. 
Derived estimates of IOP using the traditional point-based and 
the developed line-based self-calibration procedures are shown 
in Table 1. Through visual inspection, results from both 
approaches are quite comparable. Also, by comparing results 
from Experiments A through D, we observe that the IOP of the 
involved camera has no significant variation between 
experiments. This indicates that the internal characteristics of 
the camera are stable over short time periods. 
Intersections of conjugate light rays have been used to compare 
the IOP derived from the point-based and line-based calibration 
techniques (to see if there were significant differences between 
the estimated IOP). In those experiments, we used the following 
to compute object coordinates: 
* IOP from point-based and line-based approaches to self- 
* Image coordinate measurements of the signalised targets. 
e One set of EOP 
Reconstructed object spaces using the different IOP are 
compared through root mean square error analysis (Table 2). 
From the RMSE results in Table 2, one can see that the IOP 
from the point and line-based calibration procedures are 
stochastically identical. 
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Figure 7. Original images before (A) and re-sampled images 
after (B) calibration. A dashed straight line has been 
added to show the deviation from straightness before 
calibration (A) and its recovery after calibration (B). 
In order to evaluate the quality of the derived IOP, the images 
have been re-sampled after removing various distortions (Figure 
7-B). One can see that the straightness property has been 
correctly restored. A quantitative measure is developed using 
regression analysis applied to the measured intermediate points 
along the straight lines before and after calibration (namely, the 
variance component resulting from straight line fitting through 
the intermediate points). These results can be seen in F igure 7- 
B. The computed variance components after calibration are 
significantly improved after the calibration process. 
Table 1. Estimates of IOP and distortion parameter 
Experiment A Point Line 
o, 0.0018 0.0020 
x, [mm] -0.1223 (=0.0046) | -0.1169 (+0.0016) 
y, [mm] -0.0756 (0.0048) -0.0648 (+0.0016) 
c [mm] 11.6042 (+0.0124) | 11.6094 (+0.0048) 
K, -1.110829e-03 -1.176255e-03 
Experiment B Point Line 
e, 0.0018 0.0020 
x, [mm] -0.1285 (+0.0042) -0.1216 (+0.0016) 
y, [mm] -0.0812 (+0.0043) -0.0718 (+0.0015) 
c [mm] 11.6101 (20.0103) | 11.6189 (0.0044) 
K; -1.10495e-03 -1.185481e-03 
Experiment C Point Line 
o, 0.0017 0.0019 
x, [mm] -0.1247 (40.0040) | -0.1224 (+0.0016) 
y, [mm] -0.0707 (40.0042) | -0.0642 (+0.0015) 
c [mm] 11.6041 (20.0118) | 11.6034 (20.0048) 
K; -1.118769e-03 -1.174221e-03 
Experiment D Point Line 
o, 0.0018 0.0021 
x, [mm] -0.1212 (#0.0044) | -0.1171 (+0.0016) 
y, [mm] -0.0759 (40.0044) | -0.0711 (20.0016) 
c [mm] 11.6090 (40.0114) | 11.6016 (+0.0047) 
K; -1.121013e-03 -1.177155e-03 

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