ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,,Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002
Table 2. Intersection results (30 points)
RMSE Exp. A Exp. B Exp. C Exp. D
RMSx [m] | 0.00030 | 0.00036 | 0.00047 | 0.00073
RMSy [m] | 0.00035 | 0.00025 | 0.00047 | 0.00065
RMS; [m] | 0.00094 | 0.00078 | 0.00040 | 0.00073
In this research, straight line constraints are incorporated in
bundle adjustment with self-calibration. Experiment results
proved the feasibility of the suggested approach. The IOP
derived from the suggested approach are stochastically identical
to the derived IOP from the traditional point-based calibration
procedure. It has been established that one radial distortion
coefficient (K;) is enough to model the distortions in the
involved camera. The suggested approach has the following
e Compared to traditional point-based calibration test filed,
the required test field is much easier to establish.
e Automation of the intermediate point measurements along
the linear features improves the efficiency of the suggested
e Non-photogrammetric users of off-the-shelf digital
cameras can carry out the calibration procedure. This is
important since it will allow such users to generate high
quality photogrammetric products from digital cameras.
e For unstable digital cameras, the calibration procedure can
be carried out every time the camera is switched on.
e The approach offers an effective tool to study the short-
term and long-term stability of off-the-shelf digital camera
and the most appropriate model that sufficiently describes
various deformations taking place during the imaging
Future work will focus on more elaborate testing of the short
and long-term stability of off-the-shelf digital cameras. We will
investigate other distortion models to see if they can describe
digital cameras more successfully. Finally, we will build a
complete system that allows the user to perform three-
dimensional measurements of the objects of interest (e.g. if
those objects can be incorporated in the calibration test field,
then the calibration and measurements can be done
The Authors would like to thank Mr. Yushin Ahn for his help in
collecting the imagery used in conducting the experiments.
Also, we thank other members in the OSU photogrammetry
group for the helpful discussions and feedback.
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