Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
Short Base Long Base 
Figure 4: Definition of orientation fixes and short and long 
Orientation fixes are characterized by: 
e An orientation fix is the orientation of the sensor at a 
certain time 
Geometrically best conditions are obtained when the 
distance between two fixes equals the short base 
The time interval between two fixes depends on the 
gyro (IMU) quality 
The six orientation parameters for each fix are updated 
by the triangulation process; each fix is identified by 
the unique time 
One scene (image) has multiple orientation fixes 
Forward scene 
Nadir scene 
Backward scen 
Orientation fixes 
* Identical orientation for F,N,B 
Figure 5: Orientation fixes at predefined fixed intervals. 
3.1 Ground to Sensor Transformation 
The mathematical model describes the transformation of a point 
from the ground system to the orientation fixes. 
Figure 6: Point projection between orientation fixes. 
The ground to sensor transformation is characterized by: 
e Points can be measured at any location 
Each projected point falls in between two orientation 
The transformation from ground to sensor is expressed 
as a function of the two neighbouring orientation fixes 
The image coordinates are expressed as a function of the 
ground point (P;) and the orientation parameters of the two 
neighbouring orientation fixes (k) and (k+1). The mathematical 
model is given in full detail by Miiller (1991). 
X ioi Opa Pay K 1) 
35 5G ys... Q) 
Y To ood o) 
The orientation parameters ( X ;K,) are computed from their 
neighboring orientation fixes plus a correction term 
(OX ,..ÓK,)derived from the GPS/IMU observations. The 
interpolation coefficients (c) are a function of the time 
differences from the neighboring orientation fixes. The basics 
of this mathematical model go back to Otto Hofmann 
(Hofmann, 1982) 
A- 158 
A OX T-cOX -óX, 
K, CK, t -c9)K, OK, 
f, -, 
C; = / 
f, - 
ÖX, = e Xe + (1 —c,) Xo - X 
OK, CK, ue + (1 cC, )K, > i 

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