Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A , Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
Stefan Hinz and Albert Baumgartner 
Chair for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 
Technische Universität München, Arcisstrafe 21, 80290 München, Germany 
{Stefan.Hinz, Albert.Baumgartner}@bv.tum.de — www.RemoteSensing-TUM.de 
Commission III, Working Group II[/4, III/7 
KEY WORDS: Road Extraction, Urban Areas, Quality Measures, Internal Evaluation, Self-Diagnosis, Image Understanding 
This paper focuses on internal quality measures for automatic road extraction from aerial images taken over urban areas. The motivation 
of this work is twofold: Firstly, any automatic system should provide the user with a small number of values indicating the reliability 
of the obtained results. This is often referred to as "self-diagnosis" and is in particular a crucial part of automatic image understanding 
systems. Secondly, and more important in the scope of our research, a system designed for the extraction of man-made objects in 
complex environments (like roads in urban areas) inherently implies many decisions during the extraction process. Such decisions are 
highly facilitated when both low level features and high level objects are attached with confidence values indicating their relevance for 
further processing. The basic idea for defining evaluation criteria from which the confidence values can be calculated is to split the 
components of a semantic object model into two different types. The model components of the first type are used for extracting features, 
i.e., parts of the object, and the components of the other type serve as criteria for evaluating the quality of the extracted features. For 
guaranteeing an unbiased evaluation one has to ensure that model components belonging to different types are independent from each 
other (at least theoretically). We illustrate this concept by our system for road extraction in urban areas. Examples are given for both 
low level features like lines and ribbons as well as higher level features like lanes and road segments. 
From a practical point of view, research on automatic road extrac- 
tion in urban areas is mainly motivated by the importance of geo- 
graphic information systems (GIS) and the need for data acquisi- 
tion and update for GIS. This demand is strikingly documented in 
the survey on 3D city models initiated by the European Organiza- 
tion for Experimental Photogrammetric Research (OEEPE) a few 
years ago (Fuchs et al., 1998). Applications of road extraction in 
urban areas include analyses and simulations of traffic flow, esti- 
mation of air and noise pollution, street maintenance, etc. 
From the scientific perspective, the extraction of roads in com- 
plex environments is one of the challenging issues in photogram- 
metry and computer vision, since many tasks related to automatic 
scene interpretation are involved. In order to cope with the high 
complexity of urban scenes, our extraction system integrates de- 
tailed knowledge about roads and their context using explicitly 
formulated models. The road model includes, for instance, small 
sub-structures such as markings but also knowledge about the 
global network characteristics of roads, while the context model 
describes relations between roads and other objects, e.g., build- 
ings casting shadows on the road or cars occluding parts of a lane. 
This makes it possible to extract roads even if their appearance is 
heavily affected by other objects. 
The work presented in this paper focuses on the development of 
internal quality measures for automatic road extraction. The mo- 
tivation of this specific aspect within an object extraction sys- 
tem is twofold: Firstly, any automatic system should provide the 
user with some values indicating the reliability of the obtained re- 
sults. This is often referred to as "self-diagnosis" (Fórstner, 1996) 
which is a crucial part of automatic image understanding systems, 
in particular, when designed for practical applications. Secondly, 
and more important in the scope of our research, confidence val- 
ues also play an important role for the reliability of the extraction 
itself, since they highly facilitate inevitable decisions which have 
to be made during the extraction process. Consider, for instance, 
competing road hypotheses extracted from multiple overlapping 
images which must be combined into an unique road network. 
The correct selection becomes much easier when the hypothe- 
ses are attached with confidence values indicating their quality 
and relevance for further processing. Such situations often occur 
within image understanding systems designed for the extraction 
of cartographic objects from natural scenes. Hence, the develop- 
ment of methodologies for internal quality control was identified 
as a major research issue by the scientific community (see the 
editors' note in (Baltsavias et al., 2001)). 
In the next section, we briefly review work on automatic road 
extraction with emphasis on approaches dealing with urban en- 
vironments and approaches employing internal quality measures. 
In Sect. 3, we continue with a short overview of our extraction 
system before describing details of the incorporated extraction 
and evaluation methods in Sect. 4. Finally, the achieved results 
are analyzed and discussed (Sect. 5). 
Besides many user- or map-guided approaches, also numerous 
automatic approaches have been developed (see articles in (Gruen 
et al., 1995, Gruen et al., 1997, Baltsavias et al., 2001)). Most of 
these efforts are directed towards the extraction of roads in rural 
areas. Approaches designed to process satellite or low resolu- 
tion aerial images generally describe roads as curvilinear struc- 
tures (Heller et al., 1998, Wang and Trinder, 2000, Wiedemann 
and Ebner, 2000) while those using large scale imagery (i.e., a 
ground resolution less than 1 m) model roads mostly as rela- 
tively homogeneous areas satisfying certain shape and size con- 
straints (Ruskoné, 1996, Zhang and Baltsavias, 1999, Baumgart- 
ner et al., 1999, Laptev et al., 2000). 
Compared to the relatively high number of research groups fo- 
cussing their activities on rural areas, only few groups work on 
the automatic extraction of roads in urban environments. Here, 
the road network is often modelled as a combination of grids with 
a rather regular mesh size, i.e., the size of one building block. 
(Faber and Fórstner, 2000), for instance, rely on directional in- 
formation of lines extracted from scanned maps or low resolu- 
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