Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
planning a fully automatic step we are calling sky line fit- 
ting. In this step we are matching roof lines in the terres- 
trial images instead of selecting control points. 
Parts of this work have been done in the VRVis research 
center, Graz and Vienna/Austria (http://www.vrvis.at), which 
is partly funded by the Austrian government research pro- 
gram Kplus. 
[1] M. Antone and S. Teller. Automatic recovery of rel- 
ative camera rotations for urban scenes. In CVPR, pages 
282-289, 2000. 
[2] M. Antone and S. Teller. Scalable, absolute position 
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[3] M. Fischler and R. Bolles. Random sample consen- 
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[4] W. Fórstner. Algebraic projective geometry and direct 
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ceedings, pages 67—86, 2001. 
[5] B. Horn. Relative orientation. /nternational Journal 
of Computer Vision, 4:59—78., 1990. 
[6] K. Kraus. Photogrammetrie II, pages 57-60. Duemm- 
ler, 1996. ISBN 3-427-78653-6. 
[7] D. de Couto M. Bosse and S. Teller. Eyes of ar- 
gus:georeferenced imagery in urban environments. In GPS 
World, pages 20—30, 1999. 
[8] Andre Redert, Emile Hendriks, and Jan Biemond. Cor- 
respondence estimation in image pairs. JEEE Signal Pro- 
cessing Magazine, pages 29—46, May 1999. 
[9] C. Rother. A new approach for vanishing point detec- 
tion in architectural environments. In Proceedings of the 
11th British Machine Vision Conference, pages 382-391, 
[10] S. Teller. Calibrated, registered images of an ex- 
tended urban area. In IEEE Proceedings of CVPR, 2001. 
[11] Bill Triggs. Autocalibration from planar scenes. In 
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Computer 
Vision (ECCV'98), pages 89-105, 1998. 
[12] W. Wunderlich. Rechnerische Rekonstruktion eines 
ebenen Objekts aus zwei Photographien. In Mitteilungen 
der geodaetischen Institute, TU Graz, Folge 40 (Festschrift 
Karl Rinner zum 70. Geburtstag), pages 365-377, 1982. 
[13] A. Zisserman and R. Hartley. Multi View Geometry, 
chapter 10, pages 262-294. Cambridge University Press, 
2000. ISBN 0-521-62304-9. 
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(a) The left part shows an aerial image of Graz. The lower 
strip shows a preview of an image sequence. The active 
image is shown on the right side. 
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(b) The left part shows a close up of one aerial image with 
superimposed roof lines and two selected control points. 
The right part shows the terrestrial image with superim- 
posed roof lines using the vanishing points and the corre- 
sponding control points. 
(c) The upgrade of a whole image sequence from rel- 
ative to geo-referenced orientation is done by selecting 
two control points in two images. 
Figure 7: GUI for the semi-automatic fitting of one terres- 
trial image to the 3D model.

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