Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,,Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
and C, and we determine the canonical feature 7; which 
maximizes Vo; (and thus represents the baseline of con- 
sensus) and the redundancy Redp,. We keep the subset of 
features which maximizes Redp,, among all the possible 
combinations (the process takes less than 15 minutes on a 
333 MHz processor). We show for each group on table 1 
r Features Redp, 
Gl 5 Ia, C , C4, 151, dr» 0.59 
G2 7 Ia, D, R, dus Ch Ms1, d,2 0.37 
G3 10 Ia, D, R, duis dys, Cha, de, Ms1, 0.68 
dy», dra 
GA 8 ] Ia. C, D. 5,6, d. ds, dr: 0.64 
Table 1: Feature subsets which maximize redundancy. 
the feature subset that maximizes the redundancy and the 
value of the redundancy criterion. Groups 3 and 4 have 
the highest scores, so one can claim that the subjective 
and objective features are substantially related along the 
first canonical dimension. But this extent of agreement be- 
tween numerical features and evaluators cannot be reached 
for group 2, which shows quite a low redundancy score. 
When we compare the behavior of the mean of the marks 
(recall that the PCA has revealed a 1-dimensional evalua- 
tor space) and that of the canonical features, we observe 
that some segmentations cause great discrepancy. In sim- 
pler words for these images the note of the evaluators can- 
not be predicted based on the chosen feature set. Thus 
we developed a procedure to eliminate segmentations that 
cause conflicting votes among the evaluators and kept only 
the consensus images, that is those images that received 
the same relative ranking from all the evaluators. CA re- 
sults with the pruned consensus set are shown in table 2. 
This second table reveals a great improvement both in the 
r Features Redp, 
Gl 7 Ia, C,D,R. ds Caet d. 0.73 
G2 6 | fa, durs Ca.£t Mar. d,2 et di» 0.40 
G3 10 Ia, C > D. R, dui: du2, Ca, mga, 0.79 
dy» et dr» 
G4 7 Ta 4,4102: 4. dec, dy2 et dr» 0.80 
Table 2: Feature subsets which maximize redundancy 
(learning on images of consensus). 
consistency between the selected features across groups as 
well as in the redundancy marks. While groups 1, 3 and 4 
show this improvement, group 2 remains still a poor pre- 
dictor of evaluator marks from the features. Hence we re- 
moved this group from the rest of the experiment. 
Thus we get three psychovisual feature subsets which pre- 
dict the vote ofthe evaluators reasonably well. One method 
to collapse these three sets to one “best” set would be to 
use cross-validation across groups. For example we use 
the feature set of group 1 and use it on predicting the data 
of the other two groups, i.e., groups 3 and 4, and calculate 
the redundancies Red(Ia, C, D, R, duo, C4, de) on these 
groups. We repeat this calculation similarly for the other 
two feature sets. Then we take the average of the redundan- 
cies of each feature set on the three segmentation groups, 
and choose the largest one. 
We have presented the framework for a new feature ex- 
traction method for a task-oriented segmentation that com- 
bines both the statistical properties of image features and 
segmentation quality assessments of a jury. The method- 
ology has been applied to the task of segmentation build- 
ings in medium-resolution images. This study was the first 
step for the extraction of psychovisual image features. The 
work will continue to build membership functions of fea- 
tures in a Tverskian context. 
We would like to thank Pr. B. Burtschy (from ENST) for 
his valuable advice during discussions on canonical analy- 
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