Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission II, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision‘, Graz, 2002 
- F(P) (1) 
In the case of stereo images I, and I, , we have two functions, 
F,(P) for I, , and F,(P) for I, 
2) Transformation functions from Image coordinates p(x, y) to 
3D coordinates P(X, Y, Z) , under the condition that one of the 
coordinates (X, Y, Z) is known: 
P - Gx(p, X) 
7 Gy(p. Y) 
P - Gz(p, Z) Q2) 
Similar to function (1), we have two sets of the functions, 
Gx,, Gy,, Gz, for I, , and Gx,, Gy,, Gz, for I, 
3) Transformation functions from a stereo pair of image coordi- 
nates p,(x,,y,) and Pp,(x,,y,) to 3D coordinates 
P(X, Y.Z): 
G, (Pgs p) (3) 
Plane A ^ 
Figure 1. The target problem 
2.2 Basic Strategy 
Assuming that plane A can be described by a set of parameters 
D = |», D, D,| . The matching function H , which gives match- 
ing point p,; for a given point p,, within a polygon A, 
depends on parameter D : 
p, = H(p,; D) (4) 
To determinate D by stereo matching, least square method can 
be applied to minimize the following evaluation function xX(D) : 
x(D) - Y e (5) 
e;(D) = L,(H(p,;. D)) - Hl (p,,) (6) 
where summation in equation (5) is computed for all pixels in 
polygon A. 
Suppose that Q,, Q,, Q; are projected onto P1(1)>P1(2)>P1(3) 
in I, and P2(1)>P2(2)>P2(3) in L , respectively. Also suppose 
that points P^) P^) are on the epipolar line of py, 
points P22) and P22) are on the epipolar line of p,(;,, and 
points p’ 2(3) and p^ 2(3) ON the epipolar Tine P1) Wii a set 
of parameters D = p, D ? Dj; Pa): P^2;0): P20): P^20: 
p 2(3) and p” 2(3)> P2(1)> P2@) and P2(3) can be described by 
the following equations: 
Pau) ^ (1-D): pa; *Di: p^;ay 
P22) = (1- Dj): p; * D: p^; 
P2(3) ^ (1- D): p * D4: p^;(3j (7) 
A set of D determines three corresponding point pairs and three 
3-D points on plane A can be computed by equation (3). Since 
three non-colinear points determine a unique plane, D deter- 
mines geometry of plane À . 
Here we call pairs of corresponding points “control pairs”. 
Epipolar Line of p, 
Face A 2 d 
/ Plane A 
Figure 2. Definition of Planar Parameter D 
It is well known that correspondence between p, — (x,, y,) on 
I, and p, = (X,,y,) on I,, where Point Q on plane A is 
projected, can be described by projective transformation (or 2-D 
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