Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
homography). Therefore, the function H in equation (4) is pro- 
jective transformation. Projective transformation has eight inde- 
pendent parameters.  Projective transformation between 
homogeneous coordinates (x,, y,, 1) and (X4, y, 1) can be 
expressed with the following equation: 
y3| = |84 8s àg| |y, (8) 
1 a, à, l||1 
where = means equality up to scale factor, that is: 
[X Y.Zig[X Y, 2/] X33 :Z 9X :Y 2: .. (9) 
The matrix on the right side of equation (8) is called homogra- 
phy matrix. 
Figure 3. Homography H for Plane A 
Two linear equations can be derived by substituting a pair of cor- 
responding points between I, and L, into equation (8). This 
means that 8 parameters of the projective transformation can be 
determined with four pairs of corresponding points. Three of 
those can be given by control pairs that are used in the definition 
of the parameter D in equation (7). Next we show that epipolar 
geometry provides the fourth pair of corresponding points; epi- 
E, (Epipole on Ij) 
| O, (Optical Center of I) 
O, (Optical Center of I.) 
E; (Epipole on I;) 
Oz NU Lue 
(Intersection betwee — b 
Line OO, And Plane 4» 
Figure 4. Epipoles 
A - 230 
Epipoles E, and E, are intersection points between image 
planes and the straight line O,O, which goes through two opti- 
cal center O, and O, as shown in Figure 4. Note that epipoles 
are the projection of the point Q, , where O,O, intersects with 
plane À . In other words, these epipoles are also corresponding 
points for plane A . 
Epipoles are known to have the properties below. 
1) Epipoles are independent from geometry of plane A and 
determined only by epipolar geometry. Epipoles can be com- 
puted by substituting optical centers for P in equation (1): 
E, = F,(0,) 
E, = F,(04) (10) 
2) All epipolar lines go through epipoles. 
3) When an image plane is parallel to O0, , epipolar lines are 
also parallel and epipole is at infinite distance. 
4.1 Determination of H with D and Epipoles 
From three control pairs and a pair of epipoles gives eight linear 
equations for eight unknown parameters of homography matrix. 
These equations can be written in matrix style as follows: 
M.B-V (11) 
t . : 
where B = (a), a,, a5, A4, as, ag, a7, 8g], M isa 8 xX 8 matrix, 
and V is 8 dimensional vector. 
Homogeneous expression of projective transformation allows 
handling epipoles in infinite distance. For example, when all epi- 
polar lines are parallel to x axis both in I, and I, , homogeneous 
coordinates of epipoles are [1, 0, 0] . Substitution of this coordi- 
nates to both side of equation (8) leads to: 
à, = 0 
a, = 0 (12) 
We have adopted Gauss-Newton method for non-linear least 
square optimization. This method revises target parameters D 
with AD : 
D+AD=D (13) 
AD can be computed by the following equation: 
As cd ee (14)

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