Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
polyhedral building models from LIDAR data only makes sense 
if the point density is high enough so that a sufficient number of 
data points is located at least in the most relevant planes of the 
roofs. As the building outlines are difficult to be located 
precisely, again ground plans are often used for that purpose. 
Ground plans also reduce search space for the estimation of the 
parameters of adjoining planar patches because the gradient 
direction of such planes is usually perpendicular to the adjacent 
polygon segment in the ground plan (Haala et al., 1998; 
Brenner, 2000; Vosselman and Dijkman, 2001). Initial planar 
patches are found by a segmentation of the DSM. Brenner 
(2000) gives several methods for DSM segmentation, e.g., the 
analysis of surface curvature, i.e., of changes in the surface 
normal vectors, or a segmentation taking into account the 
directions of the polygon segments of a ground plan. 
As soon as the initial planar patches have been found, 
neighboring patches are grouped (Baillard et al., 1999), and the 
polygons delineating the borders of planar patches have to be 
found. The latter task involves finding consistent intersections 
at the building vertices (Moons et al., 1998). Finally, the 3D 
border polygons have to be combined in order to obtain 
consistent building models. At the building outlines, vertical 
walls, and, finally, the floor have to be added to the model. A 
coarse-to-fine strategy can be applied by first searching for the 
most relevant structures in the data and using refined methods 
for modeling the buildings in regions not being "explained" 
sufficiently by the initial models (Vosselman and Dijkman, 
2001). The problem of precisely determining the building 
outlines has been tackled by Weidner (1997) by applying the 
minimum description length principle for deciding on 
The work flow for the extraction of buildings from LIDAR 
points is presented in figure 1. The first step is the interpolation 
of a DSM and a DTM from the original data at an appropriate 
resolution. Our method for DTM generation which performs a 
classification of the original points into terrain versus off-terrain 
points by robust estimation will be explained in section 3. From 
this instance onwards, the models created by interpolation are 
used, no longer the original data points. 
By subtracting the DTM from the DSM and by applying a 
threshold to the height differences, an initial building mask is 
created which still contains vegetation and other objects. Binary 
morphological operators and an analysis of the DSM texture, 
i.e., of the local variations of the DSM normal vectors, are used 
to eliminate these areas. The final results of building detection, 
i.e., the individual building regions, are found by a connected 
component analysis. Building detection by comparing the DTM 
and the DSM is described in section 4. 
In the building candidate regions, a plane segmentation based 
on an analysis of the variations of the DSM normal vectors is 
applied to find planar patches. These patches are expanded by 
region growing algorithms. In the current version, the 
neighborhood relations of these patches are determined, and a 
simple model resembling the roof structure of the building is 
created. In the future, neighboring planes will be grouped 
consistently before the initial building models containing the 
most relevant roof structures are created. In a post-processing 
phase, the model has to be refined in order to contain details 
originally not detected. The current state of our technique for 
A - 296 
geometrical reconstruction of roof structures from a DSM is 
described in section 5. 
Z LIDAR points / d 
DSM segmentation 
Region growing 
Robust estimation 
/ ov // psu fo 
Grouping of planes 
Model generation 
Initial building 
Analysis of deviations 
Model adaptation 
Height thresholding 
Initial building 
Morphological operators 
Texture analysis 
3D building 
Figure 1. Work flow for building extraction from LIDAR data. 
An algorithm for the automatic generation of DTMs in forested 
regions from laser scanner data was developed at our institute. 
This method is based on iterative robust interpolation of a DTM 
grid, and it combines the elimination of off-terrain points and 
the interpolation of the DTM grid in one process (Kraus and 
Pfeifer, 1998). For the generation of a DTM in densely built-up 
areas, this method has to be modified to work in a hierarchical 
framework (Pfeifer et al, 2001). With this coarse-to-fine 
approach it is possible to cope with relatively large areas 
' without terrain points (e.g., large building blocks). 
3.4 Robust Interpolation 
In an iterative process the irregularly distributed LIDAR points 
are weighted in a way that the modeled surface describes the 
terrain. The classification of the points in terrain versus off- 
terrain points is performed by thresholding the discrepancies to 
the computed surface by user-specified tolerance values. 
In a first step, a coarse approximation of the surface is 
computed taking into account all available LIDAR points. Next, 
the discrepancies, i.e., the differences of the heights of the 
LIDAR points and the interpolated surface at the planimetric 
positions of the LIDAR points, are computed. The discrepancies 
are the parameters of a weight function which is used to assign 
an individual weight to each point in the subsequent processes. 
The interpolation of the DTM is repeated, the weights of the 
LIDAR points being modulated depending on the discrepancies 
of the most recent iteration. This iterative process is terminated 
as soon as a stable situation or a maximum number of iterations 
is reached. Two types of models are used in our algorithm, i.e., 
the functional model which defines the way the surface is

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