Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
Further investigations have shown that the mean differences in 
Table 1 significantly depend on the crown closure of the stands. 
The identified correlation is shown in Figure 1 for both test 
sites. In cases where the crown closure is below 65 % the laser- 
derived tree heights (h) are significantly lower than the top 
heights from the forest inventory. 
Q. 0 
307 Be X 
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= cS "dà 
> 20 +5 a + 
T * dod + 
Po + + 
& 0 
= + + + 
Oo fo 
10 Ré 
ù 2 9f +++ Crown closure 
OG t 
+ >=65% 
0 ; ; 0 <65% 
0 10 20 30 40 
h max Laser 
Figure 1: Top heights vs. laser-derived tree heights in two 
crown closure classes. 
Hence, the assessment of top heights can be improved by using 
both laser-derived tree heights (h) and crown closure (c). The 
relationship of the predicted top height (hy), average height (h) 
and crown closure (c) can be depicted from the following for- 
predicted top height = 16.16 + 1.35 * h—29.3 * ¢ , 
(1) Hohentauern test site 
predicted top height = 12.366 + 1.619 * h — 31.889 * c, 
(2) Ilz test site 
predicted top height = 15 + 1.43 * h > 29.5 * c 
(3) both test sites together 
Table 2 shows the statistics for the fitted top height models and 
figure 2 shows the predicted top heights for both test sites using 
equation (3). 
R Square Std. error of esti- 
Hohentauern 0.633 3.9833 
Ilz 0.8323 3.0045 
both test sites 0.715 3.8018 
Table 2: Statistics for the fitted top height models 
A - 304 
o n 
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no 9 8 
D p o oS ag p 
a, 80 p m^ 00° 2 
o B &^5 ^9 do n 5 
m 201 a” p Jm £8 8 
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= sa & a0 dq of 
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m oo n 
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a0 a8 
ü a 
0 T 
0 10 20 30 40 
Top Heights 
Figure 2: Predicted top heights vs. top heights for both test sites 
using equation (3) 
The statistics show that 72 % (R square 0.715) of forest inven- 
tory top heights can be predicted by laser-derived mean tree 
heights and crown closure using the same model for different 
test site conditions concerning tree species mixture and terrain. 
4.1.2 Assessment of timber volume using a statistical ap- 
The assessment of timber volume was only carried out at the Ilz 
test site. The predicted timber volume was calculated as a func- 
tion of the predicted top heights derived from equation (2) (hy) 
as statistical analyses have shown that this parameter is the best 
predictor for timber volume. The regression model based on this 
predictor was formed and the obtained model, coefficient of 
determination (R square) and standard error (SE) of the model 
are shown in Figure 3. 
800— E 
> predicted timber volume = , 
© -139.386 + 18.9021 * hr 
£ 600- : 
E R square = 0.72 7 
€ SE-75.86 m/ha ° s 8 
© 400-— Sun ze 
a at 7 D P B D 
D en fon 
E 200- So noma 
© OA o 
> = 
5 es 
r- 0 | | I 
= 0 200 400 600 800 
predicted timber volume 
Figure 3: Timber volume from forest inventory vs. pre- 
dicted timber volume — Ilz

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