Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,,Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
these methods can also be applied to other forest areas with 
different stand structures, in particular to mixed forest areas. 
It can be expected that improved algorithms and more detailed 
data will result in a further improvement of the methods devel- 
Improvements in algorithms: 
- Knowledge - based tree top detection and segmentation 
considering minimum distances of tree tops depending on 
tree species and tree height (age) 
- Fusion methods to combine laser scanning data with other 
data sources (e.g. very high resolution optical data, inten- 
sity values of the laser signal or existing forest maps) 
Improvements in data: 
- Availability of multispectral data acquired simultaneously 
(TopoSys II) 
- Availability of intensity values 
- Better ground resolution in order to detect smaller trees 
and trees in dense stands 
The advantages of laser scanning based inventories can be 
summarized as follows: 
- Laser scanning provides a quick overview of forested ar- 
- Automated assessment of inventory data in an objective 
- Multiple use of the data: e.g. DTM for road construction 
and planning of harvesting activities, assessment of forest 
parameters as basis for forest management activities 
- Data can be shared with other users, e.g. administration 
and planning offices, hydrology 
- Alternative to yield tables, which are of limited use as an 
inventory tool (Hasenauer et al. 1994) 
In spite of the high potential of laser scanning for forest inven- 
tories, laser scanning will most likely not substitute the field 
work of foresters, since not all information can be derived by 
means of this new method. 
Hasenauer, H.; Stampfer, E.; Rohrmoser, C. & Sterba, H. 
(1994): Solitárdimensionen der wichtigsten Baumarten Oster- 
reichs. Ósterreichische Forstzeitschrift, Jahrgang 1994, Heft 3. 
Hyyppà, J., Hyyppd, H., Samberg, A., 1999, Assessing Forest 
Stand Attributes by Laser Scanner, Laser Radar Technology and 
Applications IV, 3707: 57-69. 
Lindeberg T., 1993: On Scale Selection for Differential Opera- 
tors, Computational Vision and Active Perception Laboratory, 
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden 
Lindeberg T. and B.M.H. Romeny, 1994: Linear scale-space, 
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands 
Nüsset, E. 1997: “Estimating timber volume of forest stands 
using airborne laser scanner data”, Remote Sensing of Envi- 
ronment, 61, pp. 246-253. 
Pollanschiitz J., 1974: Formzahlfunktionen der Hauptbaumarten 
— Form value equations of main tree species, Osterreichische 
Allg. Forstzeitung 85 (12), in German 
Ruppert G.S., A. Wimmer, R. Beichel, M. Ziegler, 2000: "An 
adaptive multi-resolutional algorithm for high precision forest 
floor DTM generation", Proceedings of AeroSense'2000, Laser 
Radar Technology and Applications V, 4035, Orlando / Flor- 
ida, April 2000 
Roerdink J. & A. Meijster, 1999: The Watershed Transform: 
Definitions, Algorithms and Parallelization Strategies, Univer- 
sity of Groningen, Netherlands 
Samberg, A., Hyyppä, J., Ruppert, G., Hyyppà, H., Ziegler, M., 
Schardt, M., Soininen, A., 1999, Evaluation of the laser scanner 
data in the forest area, Laser Radar Technology and Applica- 
tions IV, 3707: 570-581. 
Soille P., 1999: Morphological Image Analysis, Springer. 
Ziegler, M., Konrad, H., Hofrichter, J., Wimmer, A., Ruppert, 
G., Schardt, M., Hyyppä, J., Assessment of forest attributes and 
single-tree segmentation by means of laser scanning, Proceed- 
ings of AeroSense'2000, Laser Radar Technology and Applica- 
tions V, 4035, 12 p, April 2000. 
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