Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,,Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
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Fig. 3: Results of fusing aerial images with LIDAR data. Fig. (a) shows the test site of Ocean City and (b) depicts the 
sub-area that was used to demonstrate the detailed surface reconstruction (indicated by white box in a). In (c), the results 
of segmenting the LIDAR point cloud is shown with a total of 19 planar surface patches. The next step of the perceptually 
organized LIDAR point cloud is shown in (d) where adjacent planes are intersected, resulting in the six breaklines, I1 16. 
Fig. (e.f) contain the edges of the aerial stereopair obtained by the Canny operator, illustrating the difficulty of image 
matching for stereopsis. The next figures (g,h) show more specific edges that are obtained using the current knowledge 
about the scene. These edges were matched in object space with the segmented LIDAR surface. The final result of 
combining information from aerial and LIDAR is shown in (i). The color code for the region boundaries corresponds to: red: 
LIDAR+aerial(stereo); yellow: LIDAR+aerial(mono); magenta: aerial(stereo); blue: LIDAR; green: aerial(mono). 
A - 317 

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