ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002
Si) Sl a en):
Ox Ox Ox
oWig(s.»)). 2p») 2965»). , 1), (s
Oy Oy Oy
where W denotes the wrapping operator such as that
Wio|]- o-2zk, kel.
Unlike (Sandwell & Price 1998), we approximate the partial
derivatives of interferometric phase in azimuth (x) and range (y)
direction by differences as (Sharov & Gutjahr 2002)
0g(x. y) g(x * ^x, y)- os. y).
ENV ny SEE AN) mPa),
ex 9. (x, y) Ax
Ogp(x, y) «Ve (x,y)- gx y * y)- oos»). (6)
Oy Ay
where the shift values Ax and Ay usually equal 1 pixel. Thus,
in our practice, the partial derivative of interferometric phase is
calculated by subtracting an original interferential picture from
a translated version of the same interferogram. The resultant
gradient picture called topogram (Fig. 2, a) can be directly
converted to the glacier slope map without phase unwrapping.
The terrestrial slope value & is calculated on a pixel-by-pixel
basis as follows
Ap (7)
JAR: + AR + Ap?
where Ap is the pixel diagonal size on the ground. The height
increments A/;, and AR, are defined as
Ah. , = Cs. D : Vo., ? (8)
where C(x, y) -025z !.A.Bi (x) R(y):siné((y) (9)
is the conversion factor depending on the imaging geometry.
Our topograms and slope maps are represented in the form of an
RGB image. In the topogram, the first two layers represent
partial phase gradients Vp _ and Ve . The third layer gives
the full height increment representing the rate of increase of
h(x, y) per unit distance, which is defined as
Ah(x, y) = Ah, - Ax + Ah, - Ay- (10)
The first two layers of the slope map represent the slope values
in azimuth and range direction defined separately from the next
e, =tan(Ah,/Ap,) and e, =tan"(Ah,/Ap,) (1D
and the third layer shows the absolute slope value &. Therefore,
third layers in topograms and slope maps can be compared with
the corresponding results obtained from other interferograms
more or less independently of their range and azimuth direction.
Another significant advantage of the GINSAR technique is that
the topogram can be scaled with any real, not necessarily
integer factor, allowing for any linear combination between the
topograms obtained from two different interferograms. Hence,
we can easily compensate the topographic phase by differencing
between two scaled and co-registered topograms. Assuming that
Vo = Vo,» + NO ur and C : V0, = C, : V 9, 2? the
operation of differencing between the third layers of two
topograms can be formulated as follows
F = C, "Mp ori -C, AX Ne (12)
Figure 2. Topogram (a) and fluxogram (b) of Impetuous Glacier
The resultant picture F (x, y) containing only the differential
motion phase without topographic phase is called fluxogram
(Fig. 2, b) following the definition given by I.Newton to
differential calculus (fluxions, from Latin flüxus — flow,
continual change). The fluxogram is represented in the form of
a 4-layer image with the first two layers showing the difference
between scaled partial motion increments in azimuth and range
direction. The third layer shows the difference between full
motion increments and the fourth layer gives the direction of
differential motion calculated as the ratio between the first two
layers. Although the fluxogram provides only the relative
information about the glacier velocity, it can be directly applied
to the analysis of the longitudinal strain rate o. The latter is
usually calculated as a difference between two neighbouring
velocity values divided by the distance between velocity records
along the longitudinal transect (Forster et al., 1999).
In order to solve the equation (12), e.g. with respect to Neo i,
firstly, we assume that the relation between the velocity
gradients a- VQ,» IV Pron remains constant over the
whole glacier area. In contrast to the assumption made in
(Meyer & Hellwich, 2001), such a constraint seems to be more
reliable in the glacier environment, though it also has to be
verified empirically. Secondly, we determine some reference
values for Vg e.g. by analysing the frontal velocity
ot 2?
gradients derived from winter topograms on the basis of the
transferential approach. Finally, the third layer of the fluxogram
is converted to a new image product using the following relation
ALT zAV, T, =F-(C, —aC,)". (13)
where AV, is the velocity gradient in the first interferogram. It
is interesting to note that the ratio between the conversion
A - 327