Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,,Photogrammetric Computer Vision", Graz, 2002 
= c 
02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 1 val i i : i i 
Visibility 04 02 0 02 04 056 08 
(a) Score vs. visibility 
(b) Position errors 
0.6 T T T T T 0.6 
04 + i j 0.4 + 
02 } > UNE 1 02r ; 
4 d E 
0 * ti 0 3 + 
> = € 
-0.2 + + + + nf. -02 + > 
-04 L T ri 1 -04 } 
-0.6 i L : L i -0.6 L 4 L i 
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 
(c) Pos. err. adjustment (1) (d) Pos. err. adjustment (3) 
= 200 | 
To 150 
es | E | 
100 | 
| ^ 
02 03 04.05 06 07.08 09 1 -1 
(e) Score vs. visibility 
00 Lia a 
-100-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 
(f) Position errors 
Figure 3: Extracted scores plotted against the visibility of the ob- 
ject (a) and position errors of the extracted matches for the pro- 
posed approach using extrapolation (b) and least-squares adjust- 
ment with one (c) and three (d) iterations; scores vs. visibility (e) 
and position errors (f) using the Hausdorff distance. 
A more thorough evaluation of the proposed method, including 
a comparison to a larger number of algorithms can be found in 
(Ulrich and Steger, 2001). 
A novel object recognition approach for industrial inspection us- 
ing a new class of similarity measures that are inherently robust 
against occlusion, clutter, nonlinear illumination changes, and 
global as well as local contrast reversals, has been proposed. The 
system is able to recognize objects under similarity transforma- 
tions in video frame rate. A performance evaluation shows that 
extremely high object recognition rates (more than 98% in the 
test data set) are achievable. The evaluation also shows that ac- 
curacies of 1/22 pixel and 1/100 degree can be achieved on real 
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A - 350 
"Pos. err. extrapolation T 
Pos. err. adjustment (1) 
Pos. err. ádjustment, (3) 
0 5 10:-.15 20 25 30/35. 40. 45 50 
(a) Position errors 
004} | [4] 
i A 
if Vl 
-0.06 + | Angle err. extrapolation 4 
Angle err. adjustment (1) -------- 
0.08 , Angle etr. adjustment (3) ee 
0 § 10 315. 20 25-30 35 40 45 50. 55 
(b) Orientation errors 
Figure 4: Position errors of the extracted model poses (a); orien- 
tation errors of the extracted model poses (b). 
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