Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,,Photogrammetric Computer Vision", Graz, 2002 
overcome some restrictions regarding the pre-conditions with 
regard to the image data. 
At the moment it is not clear if the HTD leads to really better 
results than approaches using simple texture measurements like 
the local variance or Laws energy approach. But the 
standardization of the HTD provides the chance to use a 
common base for the extraction and representation of textural 
features. In future work the performance will be compared with 
the both approaches mentioned above. 
The performance of the HTD will also be investigated closer 
using larger data sets. The enlarged data set should be selected 
such, that that different types of, clearly different, trees can be 
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This work was developed within the IST Program CROSSES 
financed by the European Commission under the project 
number IST-1999-10510. 
Thanks to Eberhard Gülch for his questioning of customers, und 
the discussions regarding the image data. 
Thanks to Christian Heipke for critical reading and patient 
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