Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
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Figure 2: Likelihood of building location 
be able to deal with small height variations, there is no need to 
check every individual height value. If these height values can 
be grouped in small intervals then it suffices to check a value 
from each group. Therefore a k-nearest neighbor algorithm 
is applied for creating clusters of height values. The value 
of k is determined by according to the variations that can be 
handled by the reconstruction procedure. 
For the building from Figure 1 by thresholding we get 7 height 
values. These 7 values can be further reduced to 4 clusters 
of height values by applying k-nearest neighbor classification. 
The height corresponding to the highest value of each cluster 
is used to generate some building hypotheses which are going 
to be verified by fitting them to image data. Hence the lo- 
calization of the building in the image will only be completed 
when the correct building model is found. 
4.1 Library of Building Primitives 
Most buildings can be described as aggregation of simple 
building types. Starting from this observation, the knowledge 
about the problem domain can be represented in a building 
library containing the simple building models. As basic build- 
ing models, we can consider a flat roof, a gable roof and a 
hip roof building. The approach of modelling buildings using 
a set of basic building models (primitives) suggests the usage 
of CSG representation for building description. In this way, 
a complex building can be seen as a CSG tree, where the 
leaf nodes contain primitive building models and the internal 
nodes contain boolean operations such as union, intersection, 
difference. The basic building primitives of the CSG represen- 
tation can be described by parametric models having shape 
and pose parameters. 
The first of the primitives is a flat roof building (Figure 3a). 
A rectangular volume encodes the geometrical properties of 
this type of building. To describe a flat roof building primitive 
6 parameters are necessary: 3 shape parameters and 3 pose 
parameters. The shape parameters are: width (w), length (1), 
height (h). The pose parameters are: x, y coordinates of the 
buildings’ reference point and the orientation in the xy-plane. 
The height h is actually the sum of the height of the terrain 
Figure 3: Parametric building models a) Flat roof building 
b) Symmetrical gable roof building c) Non-symmetrical gable 
roof building 
and roof. 
Another primitive is a symmetrical gable roof building com- 
posed from a rectangular volume and a triangular volume 
(Figure 3b). Therefore, for a gable roof primitive an extra 
parameter, the height of the ridge has to be added to the 
parameters of a flat roof primitive. 
A more general gable roof primitive, the non-symmetrical 
gable roof has an additional parameter the distance from the 
roof reference point to the ridge base point (Figure 3c). 
4.2 Fitting of Building Models 
To find the best fit of an instance of a building model to an 
image, we must find the shape parameters and the position 
parameters, which best match the model to the image. This 
can be done using a fitting algorithm. 
The approach for fitting 3D building models to an image is 
based on projecting the model into the image and finding the 
parameters of the model that maximizes some measure of 
the goodness-of-fit between model projection and image. In 
most cases it is possible to solve for all unknown parameters 
of a building model from matches to a single image. However, 
the accuracy of the parameter estimation can be substantially 
improved by simultaneously fitting the model to images taken 
from different viewpoint. The method presented here can 
be used in either situation. This method is a modification 
of Lowe's fitting algorithm [Lowe, 1991]. It was developed 
by Vosselman and used for semi-automatic reconstruction of 
3D buildings [Vosselman and Veldhuis, 1999] and industrial 
piping installation [Ermes, 2000]. 
The application of this fitting algorithm requires approximate 
values for the model parameters. These approximate values 
can be obtained from the map and from images. 
In the initial approximation the x, y coordinates and the ori- 
entation of a building primitive are given by the ground plan 
of the building. The width and length parameters are the 
width and the length of the rectangle corresponding to the 
ground plan of the building partition. The height is given by 
the localization procedure. In case there are more possible 
heights, then a fitting is done for each of them. 
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