Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision‘‘, Graz, 2002 
The behaviour of edges in real reflectance imagery is 
somewhere in between the ideal case and the case of the 
infinitely small footprint. The different ways in which a 
reflectance image may be generated from the reflectance 
strengths of the laser beams is visualised in figure 6. The left 
picture shows a grey value edge and different locations of three 
successive footprints in scan lines perpendicular to the edge. In 
the top scan line the second and third footprint are at the same 
distance from the grey value edge. The reflectance strengths in 
the footprints are used to derive the grey values of the 
rectangular areas that are represented by the footprint. The 
resulting grey values are depicted in the right picture. In the top 
scan line the grey value edge exactly coincides with the edge 
between the second and third pixel of the reflectance profile. In 
the following scan lines the footprints are gradually shifted to 
the right. Although the pixel of the second footprint in the 
second scan line is partly in the bright area, the footprint is still 
completely in the dark area. Therefore, the pixel is assigned a 
low reflectance value. In the reflectance image in the right 
picture, this leads to a reconstructed edge position that has a 
bias to the right. This bias increases in the following scan lines 
until the footprint is tangent to the grey value edge. In the next 
few scan lines the footprint captures intensity information from 
both sides of the edge and the pixels in the reflectance image 
obtain mixed grey values. An unbiased estimate of the edge 
location is again obtained in the scan line where the centre of 
the footprint is located on the edge. Shifting the scan lines 
further to the right a pattern symmetric with the upper half of 
the pictures appears. 
Figure 6: Left: footprints on scan lines across a grey value 
edge. Right: resulting pixel grey values and 
reconstructed edge locations. See text. 
As can be derived from figure 6, the maximum bias in the 
location of the edge in the reflectance image equals half the 
point spacing minus half the size of the footprint. For the above 
example of a laser scanner with a point distance of 1.3 m and a 
footprint size of 0.3 m, an edge location bias of up to 0.5 m can 
occur. For DEM data acquisition with a point distance of 4.0 m 
and a footprint size of 0.6 m, the bias may be even 1.7 m. 
3.3 Matching edges in reflectance data 
When matching reflectance images the matching bias may even 
be twice as large since the edge location bias may be in opposite 
direction in the overlapping strips. In order to minimise the bias 
one should try to select long edges as the bias tends to decrease 
with the edge length, although this does not hold for all edge 
orientations. For edges parallel to the scan lines, the edge length 
does not influence the bias in the edge location [Fórstner 1986]. 
A - 378 
The derivation of gradients from the grey values in the 
reflectance images nearly always will lead to errors in the edge 
location as illustrated in figure 6. In order to obtain a better 
estimate of the edge location a model is required for the 
reflectance of a laser beam on a grey value edge. 
Let the position of an edge be described by 
X cos + Ysina zd 
with at as the edge orientation and d as the distance of the edge 
to the origin of the coordinate system. The signed distance u of 
a point (X, Y) to the edge is then given by 
Let the edge orientation be chosen such that u is negative for 
points on the dark side of the edge. If the footprint radius 
equals R, the footprints of all points with u « -R are completely 
located on the dark side of the edge and the footprints of all 
points with u > R are completely located on the bright side. For 
footprints in between, the footprint is intersecting the edge 
(figure 7a). The fraction of the footprint on the bright side can 
be defined as a function f{u) of the unsigned distance u (and the 
footprint radius R) (figures 7a and 7b). 
-R | 0 R u 
Figure 7: (a) Footprint located at unsigned distance u from a 
grey value edge. (b) Fraction of footprint on bright 
side of the edge. 
Mathematically, f(u) is defined by 
0 us-R 
1 uw) u u \ 
f(u) 341——] arcco an 1-| — -R«u«R 
1 uzR 
This function can now be used to model the expected 
reflectance strength of a laser beam near an edge. Let ry and r; 
denote the reflectance strength in the dark and bright area 
respectively. The expectation of the reflectance strength r(X, Y) 
within a footprint on the location (X, Y) is then given by 
Er (X,Y)}=n + f (y —1,) 
This equation can be regarded as the non-linear observation 
equation. Linearising around the approximate values 7’ and »’ 
of the unknown reflectance values on either side of the edge and 
the approximate edge location parameters «^ and d^ yields the 
linear observation equation for the estimation of the edge 

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