Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission II, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
(a2) (b2) 
(a3) (b3) 
tures, but not unmodeled ones. A median-based technique developed 
by (Coorg and Teller, 1999) repairs unmodeled occlusions; however, 
the method may cause blurred or disrupted boundaries of structures. 
We describe a new method to obtain a realistic facade texture map, 
removing occlusions and effects of illumination variations. This 
method takes as input a coarse geometric model of buildings and a set 
of images taken from nodes at different locations and associated with 
reasonably accurate, but not exact, camera pose information. We as- 
sume that the light source for the urban images are normal sunlight 
(i.e. nearly white) and thus only the luminance in the color space is 
considered in this paper. We also assume that the building facades 
are close to the Lambertian surface model (Foley et al., 1990). 
As a preprocessing step, the input images are rectified into facade 
images, i.e. images under orthographic projection of a facade. This 
happens only to a subset of the input images in which the facade 
is (at least partially) visible. For each image, the facade visibility 
and rectification is calculated based on the camera geometry at the 
node where the image is taken. Figure 1(d) shows some sample fa- 
cade images in our experiments. To facilitate texture fusion for re- 
moving degradation effects (e.g. occlusions), the facade images are 
normalized by linear gray-level stretching; the resulting luminance- 
normalized facade images (or LNF images) have the same average 
luminance and thus are comparable to one another. 
2.1 Weighted Averaging 
The core of our method is a weighted-average algorithm that gen- 
erates a consensus texture facade image (or CTF image) for each 
facade. The luminance value of pixel [, j] in the CTF image of a 
facade is a weighted average of all LNF images of that facade: 
Yerrli, Jl = S^ Yrurlo 7] * w' [à j], (1) 
eG» "n 
Figure 1: Texture recovery. (a) environment mask [al: camera position, a2: LNF image, a3: mask]; (b) obliqueness mask [b1: ca 
image, b3: mask]; (c) correlation mask [c1: a version of CTF image, c2: LNF image, c3: mask]; (d) sample original facade images of 
image without deblurring; (f) CTF image after iterative deblurring. 
mera position, b2: LNF 
this wall; (e) initial CTF 
in which Ywr is LNF image 7, Ycrr is the fused CTF image, and 
w^ is the weight factor determined by three masks described below. 
A mask is an image whose pixel value indicates the relative impor- 
tance of the corresponding pixel in the LNF image. The three masks 
measure three different physical attributes. 
Environment Mask is a binary mask that specifies whether a pixel is 
occluded by a modeled object (Figure 1(a)). It is computed using the 
camera geometry and the 3D coarse model: Mg [i, j] is set to 0 if 
pixel [4, j] is occluded; otherwise, it is set to 1. 
Obliqueness Mask is a grey-scale mask that represents the oblique- 
ness ofa facade as seen from the camera (Figure 1(b)), also computed 
from the geometry: 
Moli, j] = cos 0" (i, j), (3) 
in which 0” (i, j) is the camera viewing angle at [i, j] on the facade 
measured from the normal of the facade. 
Correlation Mask is a grey-scale mask intended to deweight the ef- 
fects of unmodeled occlusions and local illumination variations. To 
compute this mask, an initial CTF image is needed, and the mask is 
calculated using a standard linear correlation between the LNF image 
and the initial CTF image (Figure 1(c)): 
Cov; jj [Yrwr: Yer FJ 
M7 pl ANA 
cli, jl Var; ; [Y Np) Var, ilYerr] 
in which Cov;,; and Var;,; are based in an image window, centered 
at [4, j], of a predetermined size (8 x 8 in our experiments). In prac- 
tice, the weighted-average algorithm is carried out iteratively (Sec- 
tion 2.2), and in each iteration a new CTF image is used to calculate 
MC. The initial CTF image is obtained by the first iteration, in which 
only MF and MÇ are used. 
A - 382

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