Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision‘, Graz, 2002 
acade depth estimation. 
We described a suite of algorithms for detailed urban environment 
extraction, including texture recovery, microstructure detection, and 
depth estimation. An iterative, weighted-average algorithm is ca- 
pable of recovering a consensus texture map, nearly free from oc- 
clusions (modeled and unmodeled) and local illumination variations. 
2D microstructures are extracted using an algorithm that combines 
bottom-up and top-down strategies. Finally, the relative depth of 3D 
microstructures are estimated, facilitating a combination of 2D and 
3D information for a complete representation of surface microstruc- 
tures. Combining with previous techniques, these algorithms are ca- 
pable of producing realistic, detailed, and texture-mapped 3D models 
of urban environments from large sets of real-world images. 
The proposed algorithms are effective for solving a generic set of ur- 
ban environment extraction and refinement problems, in which the 
wall surfaces are largely planar and the microstructures are mainly 
rectangular. Many buildings in urban environments satisfy these con- 
straints. In addition, practicality is one of the design emphases of the 
algorithms. For example, significant efforts have been invested in 
the algorithms to deal with inaccuracy and uncertainty of the input 
data. The texture deblurring process allows the algorithm to toler- 
ate camera pose error that often arises in real applications. The 2D 
microstructure module is adapted to extract structures of any size, 
requiring from the user only the upper/lower bounds of the structure 
size and needing no interactive parameter adjustment. 
There are several directions in which the algorithms can be extended 
to solve more general problems. First, the extracted 2D microstruc- 
tures can provide partial geometric constraints in Eg(S) for depth 
estimation. How to improve the depth estimation by incorporating 
the partial constraints is a topic for future study. 
Second, the architecture of iterative texture recovery invites more 
information to be utilized for better results. For example, once the 
depth of the 3D microstructures are determined, occlusions caused 
by these structures on the facade can be computed for each LNF 
image. Therefore, the texture recovery algorithm can be rerun to take 
into account this additional information (excluding these occlusions 
from the CTF computation). 
Third, the ORG algorithm is designed to extract a generic class of ob- 
jects. Although a large variety of surface microstructures fit into this 
class, it has two major limitations: the shape of each microstructure 
is approximated by a rectangle, and the luminance of the microstruc- 
ture must be relatively uniform. For more special problems, special 
object detection modules should be used as a successor of ORG/PPF. 
Fourth, the global illumination variation problem has not been solved 
in the CTF algorithm. For rendering purposes, a better texture repre- 
sentation may be demanded. This problem could be solved using the 
heuristics given by the periodic pattern of microstructures. As the 
microstructures share the common shape and common period, they 
should also share the illumination in normal cases. An illumination 
adjustment algorithm could thus be designed for this end. 
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Figure 7: Microstructure visualization. 
This work was funded in part by DARPA DACA76-97-K-0005, 
ARPA/ARL DAAL02-91-K-0047, ARPA/ATEC DACA76-92-C- 
0041, and ARO/ARL DAAG55-97-1-0026. The authors would like 
to thank Eric Amram and Neel Master for their technical support. Xi- 
aoguang Wang's contributions to the paper reflect his work at UMass 
Amherst and MIT. 
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