Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
component, as shown in Figure 6. The shape type is defined so 
as to reflect the area and aspect ratio of the component. In order 
to enhance the precision, we enclose the original component by 
two MBRs that are rotated by 0° (non-rotation) and 45°, and 
select the MBR having the lesser area (Figure 6: a, b). The area 
and aspect ratio of the chosen MBR is used to define the 
component shape type (Figure 6: c). By using this extended 
attribute in component identification, we can extend the 
applicability of MS to objects composed of components with 
changed size. The problem of component deletion/addition is 
addressed by introducing a likelihood measure between the 
model O and the found object FO. More specifically, let 
O.subs and FO.subs be their components, respectively, 
classified by their attributes. Then, we introduce the following 
likelihood function to measure their similarity: 
L(FO, O) = (FO.subs NO.subs)/(FO.subs UO.subs). 
Note that L(FO, O) 21.0 when FO has components identical to 
those of O.subs. This function can be refined by adding a 
measure of area similarity between O.area and FO.area. An 
example refinement LL is (using | FO | to denote the area of 
FO, etc): 
LL(FO, O, FO.a.s, O.a.s)= 
L(FO, O)x min (| FO |, | O |)/max (| FO |,| O |). 
Note that ZZ(FO,O, FO. a. s, O. a. s)=1.0 when both FO and O 
have identical components and sizes. 
3.1 Object Recognition 
Purpose: ICO recognition in artificial and real images is 
performed in order to verify that the NSR can find highly 
varying ICOs using only a few models. 
Method: We perform two experiments, OR.ex1, and OR.ex2. In 
OR.exl, an artificial color map / contains three types of 
ICOs: O,. attriv = stadium, O, . attriv = park, O5. attriv = apartment 
each having four instances of varying configurations (Figure 7). 
Image segmentation is performed using pixel color classification 
to yield SEG(/). Uppermost objects are used to build the NSR 
model set MS” = MSUrot(90°, MS), where MS is the topmost 
three objects in the figure and ro:(90°, MS) is a rotated version 
of MS So the model set MS” contains two models for each 
ICO. Assuming that every configuration of components is 
possible and O.area.shape varies, the 
expanded MBR™ (c, O.subs) of the maximum extension is used 
(see Figure 2 (h, i, and j) and Figure 4). 
In OR.ex2, apartment recognition is performed using an actual 
aerial image. The small window in Figure 8 shows the site used 
to define MS. Including the rotated variant, MS" contains two 
models (MS* = MS U rot(90°, MS)). 
Results and Considerations: Figure 7 shows the result of 
OR.exl. All 12 ICOs were successfully recognized using only 
two models for each ICO. In addition, for OR.ex2, Figure 8 
shows that although not completely free of recognition failure, 
most of the visually recognizable apartments could be 
recognized automatically using only two models. 
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Figure 7. OR.ex1 
Artificial map including 12 ICOs (stadiums, parks, and apartments). 
Uppermost three ICOs are used to define NSR models. All 12 ICOs are 
successfully recognized. For each ICO, the MBR covering O. subs is 
shown as the estimated O.area. Components not in O.subs might 
hang out of the MBR. 
3.2 Automatic Matching of Highly Deviated Landmark- 
less Images 
Purpose: In a number of applications of aerial/satellite image 
analysis, the image matching function is fundamental. Land 
cover change monitoring, hazard map generation, and map 
revision are only a few examples. Since adjustment of camera 
conditions, such as the height and the direction is very difficult 
when the images are taken on different occasions, we are given 
two images of differing shift, scale, and rotation. Moreover, 
landmarks that are usable in image matching are not usually 
provided in normal images. Therefore, the problem of 
automatic matching of two highly deviated landmark-less 
images must be solved in order to automate these tasks. We 
examine the applicability of NSR to this open problem. 
Method Two images, I; and 75, can be automatically 
matched using NSR. First, we automatically extract NSR 
models MS(SEG(I;)) out of SEG(I,) and find them in 
SEG(15). Notice that we must find varying (shifted, scaled, 
and rotated) ICOs out of SEG(I5) using the model extracted 
from SEG(I,). We then try to define similar triangles in 
SEG(I,) and SEG(I,) using modeled and found objects, 
respectively. In generating MS(SEG(I,), we introduce a 
regular grid in SEG(/;) and generate one NSR object out of 
each partition. We choose a fixed number of components (we 
used three components having larger areas) out of 

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