Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,,Photogrammetric Computer Vision", Graz, 2002 
Algorithm ComputeEdgeIntersectionPoint 
Input: E(c;,c;) 
Input: range points X — (x) falling into V, and V 
Output: p 
For xe X 
calculate d, (x) and p; GO 
1 1 p (X) 
OD & , P; = — An 
l0 . ges 
4.2 Iso-surface of volume-structured objects 
A surrounding surface is generated between filled and empty 
voxels, so that enclosing the volume-structured objects. Each 
voxel might have one of two states, §_=-1,1 for filled and empty 
respectively. Generation of surrounding surface is also break 
down into two steps, i.e. compute the state of each voxel, and 
calculate the intersection points on the edges that bridging 
different states. 
Computation of point state: Let Bi be the number of range 
points falling into the voxel of index (ij,k). After smoothing 
operation of 
id J+1 k+1 
BASE X Du 3) 
i,j,k 27 ii, jj kk 
di=i—l jj=j—1 kk=k—1 
state § is assigned by 
=1 if n, j ST, 
S i «| o (4) 
1 otherwise 
Computation of edge intersection point: Suppose the center 
points € of V, and e of V, are of different states. We define 
the intersection point p, on edge E(c, ,C;) as the middle point 
of p; - (c, +e,)/2- 
An experiment is conducted in a real outdoor environment, 
Roppongi Campus of the Univ. of Tokyo. A map of the testing 
site and vehicle trajectory is shown in Figure 6. The 
measurement vehicle ran at a speed of about 10km/h, and 500 
scan lines were measured by each LD-A. In Figure 7, range data 
from different LD-As are shown in different colours, while red, 
green, blue represents the centre, right, left LD-A respectively. 
Range data measured by each LD-A are showed in Figure 8 (left 
column) in intensity values. From both Figure 7 and 8, it can be 
found that the objects are measured simultaneously from three 
different directions to reduce occlusions efficiently. All the 
range points are geo-referenced into a world coordinate system 
using to the navigation data. The result is shown in Figure 9. It 
can be found that there are many windows on the building 
surface, some, not all, of the laser beams penetrate window 
glasses and the sensor got the reflections of unknown indoor 
objects. In addition, it can be found that there are many 
irregular points in sky, which might be caused by direct sunlight 
and sensor's systematic error. Range points from different LD- 
As are classified in separate procedures into vertical building 
surface, road surface, other surface, window, tree and others. 
Classification result is shown in Figure 8 (right column). There 
are totally 319743 valid range points, where 35.4% are 
discriminated as the measurement of vertical building surface, 
42.61% are road surface, 3.16% are other surface, 4.57% are 
window, 9.7% are trees. Other points that do not belong to any 
of the above groups, which hold about 4.51%, are classified to 
the group of unknown objects. Irregular points as shown in 
Figure 9 are also classified to this group. They are discarded in 
our system. A surface model is generated using volumetric 
modelling and marching cube method as shown in Figure 10. 
Voxel sizes of surface-structured and volume-structured objects 
are assigned 0.3m. As we generate a surrounding surface to 
enclose volume-structured objects, the surface swells with voxel 
size. On the other hand, if the voxel size for surface-structured 
objects is set too small, not only black holes, but also distorted 
surfaces might be generated in the area of windows, rain pipes 
and corners, so that manual modifications are required. 
In this paper, a method is presented to generate surface model 
of urban out-door environment using vehicle-borne laser range 
scanners. Range points are classified into six groups, so that 
erroneous measurement are corrected or discarded, and surface- 
structured and volume-structured objects are modelled in 
different strategies. Volumetric modelling and marching cube 
method are exploited in this research, where an estimate for 
signed distance is proposed. Through an experiment, it is 
demonstrated that urban out-door environment can be 
reconstructed with high automation and efficiency using our 
method. Future study will be addressed on improving the 
accuracy of classification, and extracting and modelling other 
urban features like parking cars, telegram poles, traffic signals, 
and so on. 
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