Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

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ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A , Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
[13] Rosin, P.L., G.A.W.West, Nonparametric Segmentation of 
Curves into Various Representations, IEEE PAMI, vol.17, no.12, 
[14] Sequeira, V., et al., Automated Reconstruction of 3D Models 
from Real Environments, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & 
Remote Sensing, vol.54, pp.1-22, 1999 
[15] Shum, H., K.Ikeuchi, and R.Reddy, Virtual Reality Modeling 
from a Sequence of Range Images, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf on 
Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.703-710, 1994. 
[16] Soucy, M., D.Laurendeau, A general surface approach to the 
integration of a set of range views, IEEE Trans. PAMI, 
17(4):344-358, April, 1995. 
[17] Stamos, I., P.K.Allen, 3-D Model Construction Using Range and 
Image Data, CVPR 2000. 
[18] Turk, G., M.Levoy, Zippered polygon meshes from range images, 
Proc. of SIGGRAPH, pp.311-318, ACM, 1994. 
[19] Wheeler, M.D., Y.Sato, K.Ikeuchi, Consensus surfaces for 
modeling 3D objects from multiple range images, Proc. of ICCV 
'98, January 1998. 
[20] Zhao, H., R.Shibasaki, Reconstruction of Textured Urban 3D 
Model by Ground-Based Laser Range and CCD Images, IEICE 
Trans. Inf.&Syst., vol.E83-D, No.7, July, pp.1429-1440, 2000. 
trajectory tra a. 
Figure 6. Testing site — Roppongi Campus of the Univ. of 
Vehicle direction 
Figure 7. Occlusions are reduced by using three LD-As 
Figure 10. Final results (road surfaces under the measurement vehicle are interpolated) 
A - 417 
Road surface [CJ window area 
M Vertical surface Tree and others 
M Other surface [1 Unknown Objects Bl No data 
Figure 8. Range Images of three LD-As 
Range points penetrating 
; ee Cleaned! 
window glasses 
ok s e em A 
ction in classification procedure 
Figure 9. Range corre 

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