Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,,Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
Select the first unit in the U list 
Return success if no more unit is left in the U list 
For each potential label according to FTAB 
Add current (u, l) to R and return success if this is the last 
unit in the U list 
Call forward check to update FTAB w.r.t. current labeling 
If total match from current to future larger than a threshold 
Call Consistent. label to search along the branch 
Add current (u, 1) to R if search along branch is success 
End If 
End For 
If total match from current to future larger than a threshold 
Call Consistent. label to search along branch 
Add (u, no. label) to R if search along the branch is success 
End If 
Return fail (no more expansion for this unit and down, backtrack) 
3.2.4. FTAB for Feature Matching 
For consistent labeling of M units matching with N labels, FTAB is 
a M x N array with each element represents the error of labeling 
unit 4 with label /. For interest point matching, the size of image 
search window is used to initialize FTAB as a binary map to prune 
non-potential labels for all units. In the case of MISR, local image 
patches are defined according to image navigation and the average 
elevation of the local surface. The static and dynamic errors in the 
navigation data propagate to an uncertainty of [/ 0 TAL sg£As] in 
the local image extraction. MISR cameras also contain a diverse 
range of pointing in the  along-track direction 
(0.0°, +26.1°, £45.6, 60.0, 170.5? ), which creates image dis- 
parities for surface features that are off the local average elevation. 
Combining both factors, a search window is determined for each 
pair of local image patches and used to define candidate labels of 
all unit features. 
Next, the error value of each candidate pair in the initial FTAB is 
replaced with the unary constraints. First, the local distinctness of 
an interest point is represented by its interest value w. Conjugate 
interest points surrounded by similar image patterns tend to have 
similar interest values for locally detected interest points. The first 
unary constraint for matching is defined as the relative difference 
of the interest values: 
E l u Q) 
sim j 
min(wy, wi 
The next unary constraint is the radiometric similarity of local 
images, defined by a cheap area-based similarity measurement: 
fabs tm c)- img] = [img, (r, c)— img | 
Reim = 5, 4) 
where w defines a 5 x 5 similarity window centered at the interest 
point, img(r, c) is the image value at pixel (7, c), img is the mean 
image value within the similarity window, and 0 I is the sigma of 
image values within the label similarity window. The total unary 
constraint is the summary of the distinctness similarity and radio- 
metric similarity, normalized by a factor of two. 
Before a tree search starts, the unit list is ordered such that units 
with less labeling candidates are listed first to prune out a portion 
of unnecessary search tree. During a tree search, FTAB is updated 
according to a topological binary relationship between interest 
points. Topological relationship is used because local rotational 
distortion is relatively small for small scale imagery. For each pair 
of interest points, the topological binary distances are 
D, = | and D, sv where i and j are 
intéfest point indices, x and )'àre interest point coordinates, s. and 
s. are pixel resolution of the image. The topological binary con- 
straints are: 
Zo (2), . (2x), 2s (o, T (2) (5) 
i (Dax), Vij ( max), 
where Dax) and (D nx, "€ relaxed pixels for this con- 
straint. For smáll scale imagery, they are about two to three pixels. 
3.2.5. Tie Point Merge: 
The relational-based feature matching results in a list of matched 
interest points for each image pair. Combining all match lists 
together is simply a sorting process. For example, in the case of 
MISR, local image patches from nine cameras are paired by either 
adjacent or every other adjacent cameras to provide closer geomet- 
ric and radiometric similarity. This results in total 15 image pairs: 
DfCf, CfBf, BfAf, AfAn, AnAa, AaBa, BaCa, CaDa, DfBf, CfAf, 
BfAn, AfAa, AnBa, AaCa, BaDa. Assume interest point pair (0, 4) 
is on the match list of image pair DfCf, (0, 2) is a point pair on the 
list of image pair DfBf, a new TP with (tp. id — 0, Df — 0, Cf — 4, 
Bf — 2) is created. TP merge also provides a reliability assurance. 
If (4, 1) is also a point pair on the match list of camera pair CfBf. 
The insertion of this pair would result in an inconsistency in the 
TP table, therefore any match related to TP tp. id = 0 is discharged 
as a blunder. The algorithm used to sort the pair-wise matched 
interest points and create TPs across multiple image patches is the 
determination of equivalent class from Numerical Recipes in C by 
Press. et. al [1992]. 
3.3. Precise Match 
The accuracy of relational-based feature matching is about two 
pixels due to both image distortions and the relaxed geometric 
constraints. Area-based matchers then refine the accuracy to sub- 
pixels. A refined TP must be precisely matched on a minimum 
number of local image patches. MISR triangulation requires a TP 
be precisely matched on a minimum of five cameras with 0.2 pix- 
els accuracy, while the rest of cameras could be relaxed. If a mini- 
mum number of TPs are precisely matched according to the 
cluster requirement from triangulation, precise match will stop to 
refine the rest of feature-matched TPs. 
The main criteria for precise matching is high precision and reli- 
ability. First, cross-correlations are computed for each TP. The 
template window for a TP is centered at the interest point with the 
A - 427 

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