Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

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ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,,Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
In this case, proposed moves for the Markov chain include 1) 
change of object parameters, 2) birth of an object, 3) death of an 
object, 4) merging of two objects, and 5) splitting a single 
object into two objects. Due to the change of dimension when 
proposing to add, delete, merge, or split objects in the 
configuration, the Metropolis-Hastings-Green reversible jump 
MCMC algorithm was used to maintain the correct equilibrium 
distribution (Green, 1995; Hurn and Syversveen, 1998). The 
change of parameters is achieved by drawing a sample from a 
multivariate normal distribution centered on the parameter 
vector for a selected object. The birth of an object is carried out 
by drawing a sample from the multivariate normal mark 
distribution for tree objects. 
3.3.5 MAP estimation via simulated annealing: Finding the 
object configuration that maximizes the posterior probability 
(i.e. MAP estimate) is essentially a combinatorial optimization 
problem. Simulated annealing, an optimization technique with 
its origins in statistical mechanics, provides a means of arriving 
at the global optimum for a given system through a process of 
first “melting” the system at a high temperature, then gradually 
lowering the temperature until the system freezes at the optimal 
configuration (Kirkpatrick et al, 1983). In the context of 
Bayesian object recognition, it has been shown that samples 
obtained, via MCMC, from the tempered posterior distribution 
[p(x] »L 7 will converge to the MAP solution as 7 — 0 (van 
Lieshout, 1994). In our algorithm, an annealing schedule of 
FH. = A-H, was used, where H is the temperature at iteration 
n, and X is the cooling rate. 
The algorithm was run on a 0.21 ha area within a lightly thinned 
unit of the Capitol State Forest (see Figure 3). The interaction 
parameter used in the prior distribution was set to e”°, which 
places a moderately heavy penalty on severely overlapping tree 
crowns. The intensity parameter for the object process, 3, was 
also set to e? . 
For this example, 133900 iterations of the 
MCMC algorithm were run with the cooling rate, ^, set to 
0.999975, and initial temperature (H) of 20. The MCMC 
algorithm started with zero objects. 
Figure 3. Location of example area (delineated in white) within 
area of Capitol State Forest, WA. 
The locations, heights, and tree crown dimensions 
corresponding to the MAP estimate of the true object 
configuration within this area are shown in Figure 4, 
superimposed on the three-dimensional scatter plot of the 
LIDAR data and terrain model. A two-dimensional 
representation of the MAP estimate and LIDAR data is shown 
in Figure 5. 
Three-dimensional perspective view of MAP 
estimate of tree locations and crown dimensions 
superimposed on LIDAR data. LIDAR pulse 
footprints are drawn to scale and are color-coded by 
Figure 4. 
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Figure 5.  Planimetric view of MAP estimate of crown 
configuration (black circles) superimposed on 
LIDAR data. LIDAR pulse footprints are drawn to 
scale and are color-coded by elevation. 
The estimates obtained from the object recognition algorithm 
were compared to photogrammetric measurements of crown 
locations made from large-scale (1:7000) aerial photography 
within a 0.21 ha area (see Figure 6). 

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