Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

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ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,,Photogrammetric Computer Vision", Graz, 2002 
Figure 5: Superimposition of an image and the associated 
drawing of the scene. Again, the ground plane is not lo- 
cated on the actual ground, but at the top edge of the con- 
crete foundations. 
Then the projection center Z fulfills 
h+HZ=0  orexplicitely Z=-H'h 
From total differentiation dh + dHZ + HdZ = 0 we 
obtain with Z = (Z',1)! and vec(P)' = ((vecH)', h") 
the differential 
dZ = —H*dHZ — H* dh 
— —(H^! & Z') vec(dH) — H7* dh 
=H (I3 & Z' |I5 & 1) vec(dP) 2 —H^! (I5 & Z') vec(dP) 
= —H^! (Z' & Is) vec(dP") = —H^' (Z' & Ia) dp 
from which the covariance matrix 
322 = H^! (Zt © I3) 5 (Z 9 I3) HT 
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