Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
Ch. Briese*, N. Pfeifer, P. Dorninger 
Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vienna University of Technology, Gusshausstrafe 27-29, 
A-1040 Vienna, Austria — (cb, np, pdo)@ipf.tuwien.ac.at 
Commission III, WG III/3 
KEY WORDS: DEM/DTM, Hierarchical, Scanner, Laser Scanning, Robust Method 
Different data sources for the determination of a digital terrain model (DTM) are available. New measurement techniques like laser 
scanning (LS) and interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) allow a high degree of automation and dense sensing. They 
pushed the development of new methods for data modelling. This paper presents robust methods for the automatic determination of 
a DTM from point cloud data. These robust methods operate on the original data points and allow the elimination of off-terrain 
points and the modelling of the terrain surface within one process. After a short description of the algorithms the paper focuses on 
the results of this technique applied to datasets from different sensors (airborne LS, terrestrial LS, satellite LS, tacheometry and 
For the determination of a digital terrain model (DTM) different 
methods for data capturing do exist. The choice of the most 
appropriate measurement system depends on the specific 
application. Apart from the "classical sensors" like 
photogrammetry and tacheometry, new measurement systems 
like laser scanning and interferometric synthetic aperture radar 
(InSAR) have been developed in the last years and offer new 
possibilities such as increasing measurement density and higher 
degree of automation. These systems pushed the development of 
new methods for DTM determination. 
This article presents algorithms developed at our institute for 
the generation of DTMs from irregular distributed point cloud 
data (sec. 3). Robust methods for error reduction and 
elimination are integrated into the modelling process and are 
used for the classification into terrain and off-terrain points. 
Finally, the results of these techniques applied to datasets 
obtained by different sensors (airborne LS, terrestrial LS, 
satellite LS, tacheometry and photogrammetry) are presented. 
This demonstrates the generality of the proposed method (sec. 
4). However, we expect that other algorithms developed for the 
elimination of off-terrain points in airborne laser scanner data 
(sec. 4.2) can be used in a more general context, too. In this 
section we also present different strategies for data densification 
and homogenisation in order to close data holes. Although it is 
an extrapolation of the measured points, it is necessary for many 
DTM applications. 
It shall be made clear, that the algorithm for robust DTM 
generation has already been presented elsewhere (e.g. Kraus and 
Pfeifer, 1998), nevertheless the formulas are given in the 
appendix. Its versatile application possibilities have not been 
published so far and we expect that the general concept is very 
useful for all who have data with gross errors and want to 
interpolate a surface (not only a DTM) from it. 
* Corresponding author. 
In the context of this paper the term "error" is used for the 
disagreement between the z-value of the measured point and the 
“true” terrain surface. We speak of residuals if we mean the 
“true” height (t) minus the observed height (z). Under filter 
value (f) we understand the negative residual, thus: t + f = z. 
Because we restrict our applications to 2.5d-problems, which 
means that the surface is the graph of a bivariate function, the 
errors are measured in z-direction only. 
As mentioned above, the data used is a cloud of points. This 
point of view can be characterized as data driven and has the 
advantage that it is very general and independent from the 
sensor type. However, the parameters for the model derivation 
as well as those of the derived models depend on the 
characteristics of the sensor, which will be seen in the examples 
section. On the other hand, the consideration of measurement 
errors with respect to the individual sensor components would 
allow a closer look on the realisation of all the measurements 
for one point observation. Modelling and filtering all sorts of 
errors (see below) in such a model would yield the most precise 
solution (approaches for the consideration of systematic errors 
in airborne laser scanner data can be found in Burmann, 2000; 
Filin, 2001 and Schenk, 2001). 
We aspire a surface determination technique considering errors 
in the measured points in the modelling process (i.e. generating 
the DTM). Apart from random errors we have to consider gross 
and systematic errors in the z-values of our data points. 
Random errors Depending on the measurement system, the 
points measured on the terrain surface have a more or less 
random distribution with respect to the “true” terrain surface. In 
general this random error distribution is characterized by the 
standard deviation of the measurement system and should be 
considered in the DTM generation process. 
Gross errors Gross errors can occur in all datasets. Especially 
automatic systems like laser scanners produce a high number of 
gross errors with respect to the terrain surface. In the case of 

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