Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
The effect of the elimination of off-terrain points can also be 
seen in the comparison of the empiric variogramms computed 
from all measured laser scanner points and from the classified 
ground points. In the geostatistical literature the variogramm is 
defined as the variance of the height difference between the 
heights 7; and 7; (Var[zi-7;]) at the locations x; and X; =x; 1h 
Under the hypothesis of 2™ order stationarity of the heights 
(considering them as the realisation of a random function), the 
variogramm does only depend on h and not on X; (Journel and 
Huijbregts, 1978). This has also been described in sec. 3.1 for 
the covariance function. 
An example of such an empiric variogramm computed from a 
dataset in a wooded area around Vienna (point distance of -3m) 
is presented in fig. 7. For the classified terrain points we get, as 
expected, a horizontal tangent in the origin, which corresponds 
to a smooth (differentiable) surface and a nugget effect 
(measurement variance) close to zero. On the other hand the 
empiric variogram from all points shows a large nugget effect of 
135m?, corresponding to a standard deviation of +12m for the 
height difference of very close neighboured points. 
Additionally, the tangent at the origin is not horizontal, 
indicating a continuous but not differentiable surface. 
Var[z;-2;] [m?] 
ADD rrr etter se eee Le eh tra Le LL ==> 
TT 7 et 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 
+ classified terrain points 
*- all original points 
Figure 7: Empiric variograms of all original points and of the 
classified terrain points 
distance classes [m] 
4.3 Hierarchic Robust Interpolation of Terrestrial Laser 
Scanner Data 
The generation of a DTM from terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) 
data proceeds similar to ALS data. Again the task was to 
eliminate points above the terrain surface and therefore the 
weight function has to be asymmetric and must be shifted. The 
difference to the ALS data lies in the point density. In the 
neighbourhood of the sensor we have a point density of nearly 
l000points/m? whereas for larger distances this density is 
4points/m?. The laser scanner used is the Riegl LMS-Z210 
(Riegl, 2002). Therefore the generation of data pyramids for 
homogenisation is necessary. 
The parameters for the hierarchical robust interpolation are 
similar to the ALS case. The results from a test dataset of the 
company ArcTron (2002) are presented in the figures 8 and 9. 
The surface of this countryside area (~0.2km?) consists of 
wooded and open terrain. A visual inspection and a difference 
model showed that the algorithm did quite a good job. In the 
centre of this test suite the DTM is rather rough, which can be 
explained by the high point density, which allows a very 
detailed description of the terrain. 
For the computation of the DTM in the last step we used a 
conditional data densification with the help of a distance 
transformation (chamfering) (Borgefors, 1986). Therefore, the 
ground plan locations of the terrain points are set as feature 
pixels in a digital image with a pixelsize of 0.5m. The distance 
transformation assigns each pixel the distance to its nearest 
feature pixel (i.e. the nearest measured point). In areas within a 
certain distance interval [1m,10m] we densified the terrain point 
set to close data holes. The heights of these densification points 
(1m grid) were sampled from a DTM, which was computed 
from a thinned out (low resolution) data set of the classified 
ground points. Therefore some extrapolation band exists around 
the terrain points and small areas without data are closed in the 
DTM of fig. 9. 
<ont> Proc Operation mode Heb 
jets. | 
Figure 8: DSM of the thinned out TLS data (lowest point in 
0.2m raster) 
Figure 9: Shading of the DTM of the thinned out classified 
terrain points with conditional densification 
4.4 Elimination of Scan Errors in Satellite Laser Scanner 
Data from Mars 
The Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is 
participating as co-investigator in the “Mars Express” project of 
the European Space Agency (ESA). Within this project, several 
computations on the global Mars data from NASA's MOLA 
(Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter) sensor were performed. This 
sensor can be characterized as a laser scanner profiler without a 
deflection unit for the laser beam. Therefore only a very 
inhomogeneous point distribution is available. 
Presently the delivered MOLA data consists of about 640 mio. 
surface points, which contain scan errors due to referencing 
errors of the spacecraft. A DTM shading from a small part 
(250000 points) of this dataset is presented in fig. 10, where 

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