Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
“online” orthoimage production for areas with known DTM 
without any additional effort in aerial triangulation. 
Nonetheless, especially the experiences and results from the 
OEEPE test (Heipke et al, 2002) have shown, that the 
performance of direct georeferencing is limited by the quality 
of the overall system calibration, which is due to the 
extrapolation nature of this approach. Therefore, a correct and 
highly accurate overall system calibration, sufficiently 
describing all physical effects like translations and rotations 
between the different sensor components as well as systematic 
influences from camera and imagery, is inevitable to obtain 
optimal performance in object space. Besides the need for a 
correct calibration the stability and validity of these calibration 
parameters is still an open task. Within all present test flights 
the calibration was done only once, directly before flying the 
test project. Furthermore, due to the lack of physically 
separated calibration and project sites, the calibration was 
performed in the final test area itself resulting in high time and 
spatial correlations. Since no experiences on the variations of 
system calibration parameters over time are available from 
former tests this paper is focused on this specific task. 
Within the next sections the functional mathematical model 
used for system calibration and the test data material is 
presented, where Section 4 is focused on the analysis of results 
from the different real calibration flights. Since the flight data 
was captured over a 8 week time interval using the same 
GPS/inertial-camera system installation, recommendations on 
long term stability of system calibration parameters are 
System calibration is one major task in direct georeferencing. 
One possible approach for system calibration is performed in a 
two-step procedure, where the directly measured GPS/inertial 
positions and attitudes are compared to the estimated exterior 
orientations from conventional aerial triangulation. From 
analysing positioning and attitude differences at each distinct 
camera station the most common six calibration parameters 
(translation offsets and misalignments between camera and 
GPS/inertial component) are obtained. Although this procedure 
has advantages since the output, ie. camera positions and 
attitudes, of any bundle adjustment software provides 
comparison values for system calibration, this approach almost 
neglects the existing correlations between estimated orientation 
elements and interior orientation of the imaging sensor. A quite 
obvious example for these correlations is obtained from the 
experiences of former test flights, where systematic vertical 
offsets were proven which might be due to several reasons, e.g. 
shifts in GPS/inertial positions, inconsistency in assumed focal 
length or uncorrected systematic effects from image space. To 
model these dependencies correctly an integrated or combined 
bundle adjustment is favoured to determine the calibration 
terms within one step. Besides consideration of the correlations 
the integrated approach allows for handling the associated 
accuracy of directly measured exterior orientation elements 
properly. The basic mathematical model is presented in the 
2.1 Functional model 
The functional model of integrated sensor orientation is based 
on the well-known collinearity equations in Equation (1). The 
tilde symbol indicates that the corresponding values are 
introduced as directly observed unknowns from GPS/inertial 
AUX Xo) *fi(Y - 19) *Tis(Z- Zo) | A. 
x-z.2 Sot oM. 593571 A 
"n3 (X - Xo) * 3(Y - Yo) * 3(Z - Zo) 
FX ng) + PCT) taZ-Z 
Fe Lott Pal? Yo) EM ZA 
73 (X — Xo) * 53(Y - Yo) * 53(Z - Zo) 
where — X,y,z- reduced image coordinates related to 
perspective centre 
X9, Yo, Z9 coordinates of perspective centre 
rjj ^ elements of rotation matrix R 
Ax, Ay = influence of additional parameters. 
The elements of rotation Matrix R are obtained from the matrix 
R=R} =R5(3,.8)- ARG (Aw, Ap,Ak) — Q) 
where the indices indicate the P (photo or camera), B (body, 
defined by inertial sensor axes) and L (local level) coordinate 
frame. More details on the different coordinate frames and 
appropriate rotations are given in Cramer, 20015. The attitudes 
Q,Q,K are directly obtained from the GPS/inertial navigation 
angles after transformation to the photogrammetric, e.g. local- 
level reference coordinate system. Aw,A@,AK represent the 
physical misalignment — so-called boresight alignment — 
between body and camera or photo frame. This unknown 
attitude offset has to be determined during calibration. The 
translation offsets are not modelled so far, since they are 
measured with standard survey methods before the flight 
missions and already considered during GPS/inertial data 
integration, normally. 
Besides the already mentioned calibration parameters for 
boresight calibration the functional model is extended by 
additional parameters to model systematic offsets or linear 
drifts of directly measured positions and attitudes. Therefore, 
Equation (1) is modified with following Equation (3): 
Ay= X tag tat 
Vo=Y, +0, +0, ¢ 
Zo = 20 + Cp Tor 
Q — 0 ug +4 d 
Q-9Tvgv-t (3) 
K=K+wy+w -t 
This approach is quite similar to standard GPS-supported aerial 
triangulation, where additional offset and drift correction terms 
take care of remaining systematic errors in the GPS determined 
perspective centre coordinates. Since the attitude offsets in 
Equation (3) are highly correlated with the boresight alignment 
as given in Equation (2) the wu, vy, wy parameters are also 
modelling the physical misalignment, which replaces the three 
attitude offsets in the ARS matrix. Since all unknown 
parameters are re-introduced as pseudo-observations to model 
the appropriate stochastic properties, the final linearised 
observation equations are given in Equation (4). 
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