Full text: Handwörterbuch der Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie (2. Abtheilung, 1. Theil, 3. Band)

e, III 
) 1T, 
Pholadomyiden IIT, 450 
Pholas IIT, 446 447 449 
Pholerit III, 279 281. 
Phônicit I, 398. 
Phôniciten III, 50. 
Phônicites spectabilisIIT, 
Phónix Aymardi III, 51. 
Phonolith IT, 28 44. 
Phonolithtuff II, 59. 
Phosgenit I, 401. 
Phosphate III, 85. 
Phosphorchalcit IT, 404. 
Phosphorescenz der. Mi- 
nerale II, 479. 
Phosphorit II, 27; III, 87 
Phosphorkupfer IT, 404. 
Photicit III, 262. 
Phractamphibial, 16 23. 
Phragmaphora III, 479. 
Phragmites communis ITI 
— Oeningensis III, 56. 
Phragmoceras I, 222; 
111, 460. 
Phryganeen II, 136. 
Phrynidae I, 44. 
Phyllit II, 28 58. 
Phyllochorda II, 232. 
— sinuosa II, 232. 
Phyllograptus II, 131. 
Phyllopoda III, 303. 
Phyllopoden I, 116 123 
185 189 223. 
Phyllosomen I, 45 198. 
Phymatoderma II, 230. 
— granulatum Il, 159 
Physa II, 165; III, 462. 
Physagenien Il, 249 251. 
Physikalische Eigen- 
schaften der Minerale 
TIT, 93. 
Physoclisti I, 427. 
Phytoptusantiquus I, 45. 
Piauzit II, 123. 
Picea III, 30. 
—- vulgaris III, 105. 
Pickeringit III, 186. 
Picotit I], 40; 111, 317. 
Piemontit III, 283. 
Piésoklase I, 489. 
Pikrit II, 39. 
Pikritporphyrit Ii, 27 41. 
Pikrolith III, 267. 
Pikromerid III, 185. 
Pikromerit I, 134. 
Pikrophyll III, 261. 
Pikrosmin IIl, 267. 
Pikrotephroit III, 260. 
Pileopsis I, 222. 
Pilularia II, 264 269. 
Pilze 11, 216 232. 
Pilzkäfer II, 138. 
Pinacoceras IIT, 473. 
Pinakoid, basisches, II, 
351 364 373 382. 
Pinitl, 182153: III, 312. 
Pinites III, 35. 
— Brandlingi III, 36. 
— succinifer III, 31. 
Pinitoide I, 152. 
Pinna IIT, 447 448. 
Pinnipedier III, 214. 
Pinus III, 20 20. 
abies III, 104 105. 
— brevis III, 3o. 
— larix III, 105. 
— montana III, 3o. 
— Philiberti III, 30. 
— succinifer III, 362. 
— ‘sylvestris — Ill, - 30 
Piperaceen III, 77. 
Piperites III, 78. 
Pisanit III, 187. 
Pisces I, 405. 
— heterocerci I, 419. 
Pisolithbildung IT, 236 
Pisolithkalk II, 202 205. 
Pistazit III, 282. 
Pistomesit I, ro6. 
Pittinerz I, 396. 
Placentalia, Placentalien 
UT, i91 195. 
Placoden III, 163. 
Placodonten III, 388. 
PlacodusIll, 144 163 381 
Placophoren III, 453. 
Plagiaulacidae III, 194. 
Plagiaulax III, 192 194 
— Becklesu II, 168; 
III, 194. 
— minor III, 194. 
Plagioklasbasalt II, 50. 
Plagioklase III, 278. 
stein II, 35. 
Plagioklasporphyroid II, 
28 56. 
Plagionit I, 443; 1l, 76. 
Plagiostomi I, 411. 
Planerit III, go. 
Planorbis IT, 165 ; 111,462 
Planulaten III, 471 474. 
Plasma TIL 122. 
Plastik der Gebirge I, 5 19 
Platanus II, 208 209. 
— primaeva II, 208. 
Plateau I, 174. 
Plathelminthes III, 486. 
Platin II, 425. 
Platiniridium II, 426. 
Platinmetalle II, 425. 
Plattentráger III, 454. 
Plattnasen III, 219. 
Plattnerit I, 397. 
Plattwiirmer III, 486. 
Platychonia III, 330. 
Platygonus III, 202. 
Platyrhinae III, 114 219. 
Platysomen I, 125. 
Platysomus I, 421. 
— gibbosus I, 421. 
Plectognathi I, 427. 
Pleistocaen III, 100 236. 
Pleochroismus der Mine- 
rale if, 472. 
Pleomorphismus der Mi- 
nerale I, 228. 
Pleonast III, 317. 
Pleromorphosen III, 99. 
Plesiosauren II, 144 146 
163 197. 
Plesiosauriden II, 163. 
Plesiosaurier III, 164. 
Plesiosaurus II, 205; III, 
Plesioteuthis III, 483. 
— prisca III, 483. 
Pleuracanthus I, 414. 
Pleurodictyum proble - 
maticum I, 215 219. 
Pleuromya III, 449 453. 
Pleuronectes I, 410. 
Pleuropygia III, 441. 
Pleurotomaria, Pleuroto- 
marier [, 122 222: II, 
202; TIT, 302 450. 
Pleurotomariidae 111,459 
Plicationsgebirge I, 519 
Pliocaen Ill, 236 352. 
Pliohippus III, 200. 
Pliosaurus II, 163 164; 
IIl, 146. 
Plumbein III, 88. 
Plumbocalcit I, 96. 
Plumbostit II, 75. 
Plumosit II, 76. 
Plumulites I, 188. 
Podocarpus III, 25. 
— eocänica III, 25. 
Podocarya Bucklandi III, 
Podozamites II, 164 206 
— lanceolatus III, 384 
Poebrotherium IIT, 205. 
Poecilopoden I, 194. 
Polarhase III, 105. 
Polarisation III, 478. 
Polianit I, 379. 
Polirschiefer II, 223 468. 
Pollicipes I, 188; II, 204. 
Pollux III, 520. 
Polyargit III, 278. 
Polyargyrit II, 73. 
Polybasit II, 73. 
Polychrom III, 88. 
IL 193; 111, 135. 
| Polydymit II, 173. 
| PolyhalitI, 134; III, 342.| Prisma hexagonales, dia- 
— vagans III, 330. | 
Platycrinus I, 121 238.| Polykras I, 390. 
Polyhydrit II, 469. | 
| Polymignyt I, 390. 
Polymorphismus I, 228. 
Polypetalen III, 64. 
| Polyporus II, 232. 
| — foliatus II, 234. 
| Polypterus I, 419. 
| Polysphaeridae III, 136. 
| Polysphaerit IH, 88. 
| Polythalamien III, 168 
| uma. 
| Polytrichum 11,244. 
| Polytrypa elongata Il, 
Polyxen IT, 425. 
Poonalith III, 518. 
Populus III, 74 76. 
— ]atior III, 76, 
— Richardsoni III, 77. 
— tremula III, 77. 
— Zaddachi III, 76. 
Porcellia III, 459 460. 
Porfido rosso antico II, 
— verde antico II, 37. 
Porites I, 38. 
Poritidae, Poritiden I, 42 
Porpezit II, 426. 
Porphyr, quarzfreier, II, 
Porphyrbreccie II, 61. 
Porphyroide II, 488. 
Porphyrtuff II, 59. 
Portlandkalk II. 165. 
Porzellanerde HI, 280. 
Porzellanspath III, 287. 
Posidonia Becheril, 122, 
— minuta I, Igo. 
Posidonomyal, 122; III, 
— Becheri I, 118 122; 
III, 451. 
— Clarae III, 380. 
Posidonomyenschiefer I, 
I18 123: I] 159. 
Potamogeton III, 42. 
Poteriocrinus I, 121 238. 
Pourtalesia IT, 206. 
Prachtkäfer IT, 138. 
Prasem III, 121. 
Praseolith III, 312 
Prasin IT, 403. 
Prasopal II, 467. 
| Predazzit I, 07; 1I, 128. 
| Prehnit Jii, 522. 
| Prehnitoid III, 287. 
| Pressungsspalten I, 492 
| 503- 
| Primitive Schichten I, 
| Primordialfauna III, 297; 
| Primordialflora III, 297. 
| Primordialzone I, 47 50; 
111, 237. 
gonales II, 381. 
— normales II, 38r.

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