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September- 2
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India,2002
M. Kalita?, R. Devi?
? Research Scholar, Civil Engineering Department, IIT Delhi, India — (mkalita99 9 yahoo.com)
? Professor, Civil Engineering Department, IIT Delhi, India — (devirema42 Q yahoo.com)
KEY WORDS: Spectral unmixing; Fuzzy membership; Trained and untrained classes; back-propagation
Mixed pixels have well been recognized as one of the major problems affecting the accuracy of classification of remotely sensed
digital data. Use of neuro-fuzzy technique to handle this problem has emerged recently. However, most studies have focussed in
deriving fuzzy membership values only with respect to a set of predefined land cover categories used for training the neural network.
There exists a major limitation in this approach since a mixed pixel may have some other classes, which are not defined for the
analysis. The research being reported herein attempts to demonstrate a technique in a neural network framework to incorporate the
unknown classes in a supervised scheme of fuzzy classification. A simulation experiment has been carried out to demonstrate the
potential of the technique using back-propagation algorithm. Sets of synthetic data used for training the network and testing the
potential of the technique are generated using the concept of linear mixture model for three land cover classes with respect to the
statistics of these classes extracted from a IRS 1C LISS III sub-scene. Further, in order to appreciate the behavior of the model in the
classification of a real image, outputs for six real classes, including three undefined classes over and above the three defined classes
are derived for analysis. The results obtained indicate significant potential for use in case of real image classification.
Classification of mixed pixels is one of the well-known
problems in deriving thematic maps with better accuracy from
remotely sensed data. A mixed pixel embodies more than one
land cover categories within the spatial coverage of the pixel.
The conventional crisp concept of ‘one-pixel-one-class’ in the
classification leads to erroneous representation of the cover
classes in the classified output; therefore, hampers the effective
use of this multifaceted data source (Wang, 1990). To handle
this problem, attention of researchers is focussed towards the
use of a soft or fuzzy classification strategy that allows pixels to
have multiple and partial class membership (Wang, 1990;
Foody, 2000). With this approach, the strength of membership,
of each pixel to each class derived from the classification is
used as a surrogate for the fractional coverage of the associated
classes in the area represented by the pixel (Foody, 1996;
Bastin, 1997; Foody, 2000). A range of approaches, for
example, softened maximum likelihood, fuzzy c-means
algorithm etc. may be used to derive a fuzzy classification.
Use of artificial neural network for fuzzy classification (neuro-
fuzzy classification) of remote sensing image has emerged as a
subject of recent interest and a number of studies are already
reported (Foody, 1996; Moody et al., 1996; Warner and Shank,
1997; Kalita and Devi, 2001a). However in these studies, it has
been observed that the classifiers are capable of producing the
strength of membership only to the classes defined for training
the neural network. It is important to note that a mixed pixel
may have fractional presence of some land cover features that
are not defined as the classes of interest. Thus, since, neural
network is not trained to handle such a situation, it is compelled
to ignore the presence of untrained classes; thus result in
erroneous thematic maps. This inadequacy of the classification
techniques demands alternative technique to efficiently handle
the problem.
In view of above discussion, the present research attempts to
devise a technique basically to estimate the degree of
membership of any pixel to the trained classes when some
unknown cover features are also present within the pixel
dimensions. Neural network with the widely accepted back-
propagation learning algorithm has been used. Training of the
neural network and subsequent evaluation of the model are
accomplished using synthetic data that correspond to three
defined classes present in a real IRS 1C LISS III data scene.
These synthetic data sets are generated employing the concept
of linear mixture model (Shimabukuro and Smith, 1991; Settle
and Drake, 1993). Additionally to present the brief glimpse of
the behavior of the model in case of real image, tests on real
data sets including both, the defined and undefined categories
are also carried out.
2.1 Linear Mixture Model
Linear mixture modeling (LMM) assumes that each field within
a ground pixel contributes to the signal received at the satellite
sensor an amount characteristic of the cover type in that field
and proportional to the area of the field (Quarmby et al., 1992).
Thus the signal in the ith band, x; (say) is given by
Where f; is the proportion of the pixel’s area covered by the jth
ground cover type, n is the number of bands and c is the
number of cover types. In vector-matrix notation,
X= Me ibaa. ol. (2)