Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

The back propagation-training algorithm is an iterative gradient 
algorithm designed to minimize the mean square error between the 
actual output of a multi layer feed-forward perception and the 
desired output. The method involves modifying the weight values 
between nodes including the weights for the hidden layers. The 
algorithm is based on the Delta rule, which propagates the error 
between the actual output and the desired output backward 
through the neural network. The Delta rule attempts to minimize 
the error using the steepest descent, similar to search technique 
known as hill climbing (Penn et al., 1993). Back propagation 
requires continuous differentiable non-linearities. 
The results obtained from the sequential and composite data 
classification using the two algorithms were evaluated on the basis 
of two parameters namely, (1) classified paddy area expressed as 
% of reference area and (2) accuracy of classification. The results 
of sequential classification are shown in Table 4, which indicates 
that the total estimated paddy area using ANN is 53% of reference 
estimate, where as that of MLC is only 38%. However, the 
accuracy of the estimate is 89% for ANN and 92% for MLC. 
Thus, the performance of ANN is relatively better than MLC, 
though in absolute sense, both the classifiers have failed to 
achieve complete classification. 
The results of the composite data classification (Table 5) indicate 
that the estimated paddy area is significantly higher than that of 
sequential classification. The paddy area classified by the two 
algorithms in composite data classification, indicate that ANN has 
classified more area at 74% of the reference estimate, where as 
MLC has classified the paddy area that forms only 57% of 
reference estimate. The accuracy of the estimate is 89.14% for 
MLC and 89.84% with ANN. Thus, ANN classification has 
delineated more paddy area, compared to MLC without 
compromising with the accuracy of classification. 
Table 4 Sequential classification - comparison of estimates 
Artificial Neural 
Networks Maximum Likelihood 
% of % of 
Est area [Reference| Acc. | Est.area |Reference Acc.. 
(ha) area % (ha) area % 
paddy | 36792 33 92 | 28998 26 94 
paddy | 23034 20 86 | 14032 12 88 
paddy | 59827 53 89 | 43030 38 92 
Table 5 Composite data classification - comparison of estimates 
Classifier Estimated % of Accuracy 
paddy area (ha) Reference (%) 
ANN 82875 74 89.14 
MLC 63623 57 89.84 
The results of the study have shown conclusive evidence that with 
a given set of training areas, the ANN has resulted in superior 
classification in terms of area classified and accuracy of 
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, "Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India,2002 
classification compared to Maximum Likelihood. Therefore, 
Artificial Neural Networks has the potential for improving crop 
classifications using multi-temporal remote sensing images. The 
study also indicates that ANN classification process can be 
implemented with no extra manual efforts compared to traditional 
MLC. However, the extra computational efforts involved in ANN 
would not be a major limitation, since powerful computational 
facilities are now available. 
Grateful thanks are due to Dr. R.R. Navalgund, Director and Dr. 
A. Bhattacharya, Deputy Director (Remote Sensing & GIS), 
National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad, India, for 
according permission and for providing required facilities for 
successful completion of this study. Without the help and 
cooperation from colleagues in the Water Resources Group, in 
NRSA, this study could not have been successfully completed. 
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N= N A

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