Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India,2002 
Table: 2. Classification accuracies of different covers of the Validation site (Kharif season) 
December, 1992 December, 1992+ December, 1992+ 
Cover January, 1993 January, February, 1993 
Tone | Texture | Tone+ | Tone | Texture | Tone+ Tone | Texture Tone+ 
Texture Texture Texture 
Settle- 51.5 91.2 95.6 63.2 71.9 88.2 75.0 97.1 100.0 
Perm. 71.4 67.8 71.4 53:7 67.8 75.8 37.2 64.5 79.9 
Paddy 86.6 52.9 88.8 38.7 91.9 95.0 97.8 91.9 98.0 
Coconut 52.8 16.8 59.1 61.5 66.2 75.6 76.2 66.2 87.4 
Cashew 73.6 31.5 75.5 46.9 83.5 91.2 91.2 81.0 90.8 
Current 17.1 68.6 81.1 42.2 85.0 100.0 97.3 89.2 100.0 
Water 72.7 3.0 78.8 53.0 80.0 98.5 97.0 78.8 95.5 
Average 60.80 | 47.39 78.63 51.60 | 78.95 89.62 88.81 81.23 93.08 
Overall 61.55 | 41.34 74.45 50.25 |. 78,66 88.24 88.57 | 78.61 91.47 
Kappa 0.553 | 0.317 0.692 0.398 | 0.742 0.856 0.861 0.740 0.893 
Standard | 0.144 | 0.015 0.014 0.016 | 0.013 0.011 0.013 0.013 0.072 
= 2 
Sm > 
Multi daté EM 
17 Dec'92 
21 Jan'93 
25 Feb’93 
Fig 1. Tone and texture classification of Multidate ERS-1 SAR data for rabi season. 

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