Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

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image objects adds a topological structure, which enables 
contextual analysis. The image objects act as the building 
blocks for the subsequent image analysis. In comparison to 
pixels, image objects carry much more useful information. 
Thus, they can be characterised by far more properties than 
pure spectral or spectral-derivative information, such as their 
form, texture, neighbourhood or context. After basic object 
segmentation is completed, it's possible to apply supervised 
classification in which image objects of known classes are 
selected and others of similar properties are automatically 
detected. Such grouping takes advantage of the object's 
physical and spectral properties. The approach is similar to a 
traditional nearest-neighbor method, but it uses "fuzzy" 
methods. In addition, exporting image objects in vector 
shapefile form and/or their visual interpretation at each of the 
segmentation levels are some of the options available to the 
analyst. For more information on eCognition software and it's 
methodical ^ principles, reader may please visit 
2.1 Study Area and Satellite Data 
In the present investigation, two sites with the availability of 
remote sensing data acquired by an optical sensor and C-band 
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) in the microwave region have 
been selected. Site-1 covers part of Guntur District in Andhra 
Pradesh and is characterized by a wide range of land use and 
land cover variations, which included crops viz, cotton, 
chillies, paddy, maize, tobacco, pulses, banana plantation, 
paddy fallows, uncultivated bare fields, water bodies and built 
up areas. For site-1, two sets of remote sensing data viz., optical 
and microwave data have been used independently for land use 
land cover information. The optical data from IRS-1D LISS-III 
sensor in three spectral channels were acquired on January 3, 
2002 and microwave data from RADARSAT SAR in C-band in 
extended low (16? look angle, 35m spatial resolution) mode on 
January 3, 2002 and standard beam — 7 (45? look angle and 
25m spatial resolution) mode on Decemberll, 2001 and 
January 4, 2002. Site-2, also in Andhra Pradesh, is located in 
the Medak district and covers the International Crop Research 
Institute for Semi Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) farm, which is 
characterized by well laid out agricultural plots with red and 
black soils, cultivated fields, lakes etc. and the surrounding area 
with settlements, water bodies, mixed plantations and bare 
fields. The IRS-LIIS-III data covering the second site was 
acquired on 15 March 2000. Ground truth collection for major 
land use and land covers has been carried out on the day of 
remote sensing data acquired by the microwave sensor. The 
ground truth locations have been marked with hand held GPS 
2.2 Procedure 
Procedure adopted in the current investigation involved (i) data 
preparation for analysis, training area extraction and 
separability analysis, classification of satellite data of two sites 
by per pixel classifier using Maximum Likelihood algorithm 
and by object oriented multi-resolution segmentation and 
classification, analysis of classification results in terms of 
subjective evaluation and classification accuracy measures. 
2.2.1 Data preparation and analysis: The IRS-LISS-III data 
of the two sites were geocoded by identifying the common 
GCPs on topomap and the satellite data and resampling. 
Similarly, the SAR data pertaining to the Site-1 were geocoded 
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, "Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India,2002 
using the geocoded IRS-LISS-III data of the study area as the 
master image. The SAR data sets were processed for speckle 
suppression using a 3x3 convolving window of Lee 
Multiplicative filter iteratively. Based on the preliminary field 
survey, training and test area sites for major land use and land 
cover classes were identified and their statistics generated. Pair 
wise separability was computed using the Transformed 
Divergence measure for all the classes considering (i) only the 
IRS-LISS-III multispectral data set, and (ii) the dual angle 
RADARSAT SAR data set for the Site-1 and (iii) IRS-LISS-III 
multispectral data set for the Site-2. In site-1, while separability 
was good for several classes with the Transformed Divergence 
being maximum at 2.0, pair-wise separability was poor for 
banana and cotton with TD=1.23, maize and chillies 
(TD=1.27), early pulses and tobacco (TD=1.39), shallow water 
bodies and bare fields (TD=1.49) and harvested paddy fields 
and settlement (TD=1.42). In site-2, good separability was seen 
with most of the classes. However, pairwise separability for 
settlements and bare fields (TD=1.78), plantations and other 
vegetation (TD=1.8) was marginally low. The LISS-III datasets 
pertaining to the two sites have been classified by identifying 
the training areas and using maximum likelihood algorithm and 
by object oriented multi-resolution segmentation and 
classification approach. 
2.2.2 Multi-resolution Segmentation and Classification of 
satellite data: The segmentation and classification technique 
used in the study has two steps: Multi-resolution segmentation 
of an image and its classification by Nearest Neighbour. Multi- 
resolution segmentation has been carried out to minimizes the 
average local heterogeneity of image objects for a given 
resolution. In the segmentation step, initially several parameters 
like image layers, scale parameter, homogeneity criterion in 
terms of colour and shape have been defined. While the image 
layers refer to the number of input features, scale parameter is 
an abstract term, which determines the maximum allowed 
heterogeneity for the resulting image objects. In heterogeneous 
data the resulting objects for a given scale parameter are 
smaller than in more homogeneous data. The color criterion 
defines to which percentage the homogeneity is defined by the 
spectral values of the image layers as opposed to the shape. 
Similarly, the shape criterion is defined by two parameters: 
smoothness and compactness. The smoothness criterion is used 
to optimize image objects with regard to smooth borders and 
the compactness is used to optimize image objects with regard 
to compactness. Table 1 shows site-wise details of these 
Nearest Neighbour rule, which was used in the study, offers a 
quick and simple classification of image objects by clicking 
typical image objects as representative samples of a class. In 
addition, class related feature options such as mutual relations 
with the other objects (at the same segmentation level) or with 
the sub objects ( in lower level) or with the super objects (in the 
higher level) have been exercised to optimize the classification 
results. In addition, classification options such as manual, 
semi-automatic and automatic are possible at all levels of 
segmentation, which have been judiciously used. Figure 1 
shows results of segmentation and classification of IRS-LISS- 
III data of Site-1. It is clear from the figure that larger the scale 
parameter larger the resulting image objects by grouping 
smaller image objects formed in the lower level of 
segmentation. To avoid merging of image objects that belong to 
different land use classes, segmentation has been carried out at 
each level by interactively selecting the scale parameter. For 
example, in site-1, fallow fields and settlements were merged at 
segmentation level-6 

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