Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

ved from 
or water in 
it of 0.992 
DN value. 
nent in the. 
N for TM3, 
to 26 at the 
terms of 
ig/l. across 
rms of the 
Omg/l. SS 
oise due to 
1 high pass 
of median 
ing a 3*3- 
values was 
e Standard 
| currently 
shown in 
e data 
d the local 
Mapper is 
to a greatly 
also more 
pared with 
| a window 
ated by by 
nses within 
the window. The S/N ratio is then calculated after Smith and 
Curran (2000) as follows:- 
SNR - R/R 
(Eq. 2) 
The Signal-to-Noise ratio for four homogeneous areas within 
the image for the raw unprocessed image (image 1), the image 
after removal of the 16" line banding (image 2) and the image 
after removal of the vertical coherent noise (image 3) is shown 
in Table 1. The mean values are 35, 36 and 113 respectively. 
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India,2002 
DN —— after destriping 
after noise removal 
"Y "m 
Distance along image transect 
Figure 4. Transect showing DN values across the sediment 
plume shown in Figure 1 after removal of the 16-line banding 
(destriping) and after additional removal of the vertical 
coherent noise. 
Sample Image Ra Rsd SNR 
No. Type 
Image 1 23.8155 | 0.6300 | 37.8023 
Sample 1 | Image 2 23.8431 | 0.6269 | 38.0331 
Image 3 24.0078 | 0.0882 | 272.1693 
Image 1 25.1108 | 0.6555 | 38.3093 
Sample 2 | Image 2 25.1215 | 0.6546 | 38.3796 
Image 3 25.0905 | 0.2869 | 87.4629 
Image 1 31.4246 | 0.9675 | 32.4810 
Sample 3 | Image 2 31.4145 | 1.0009 | 31.3858 
Image 3 31.3962 | 0.7492 | 41.9042 
Image 1 34.3528 1.0448 | 32.8802 
Sample 4 | Image2 34.3382 | 1.0349 | 33.1806 
Image 3 34.3760 | 0.6398 | 53.7307 
Table 1. Signal-to-Noise Ratios for the raw unprocessed image 
(image 1), the image after removal of the 16" line banding 
(image 2) and the image after removal of the vertical coherent 
noise (image 3) (Ra = mean radiance within a 10*10 pixel 
window; Rsd= Standard Deviation of radiance values within 
this window; SNR = Signal-to-Noise ratio) 
At the launch of LANDSATSs 4 and 5, an element of image 
noise less than 2 DN values was regarded as acceptable and was 
not addressed as part of basic image quality control at ground 
receiving stations. Moreover, the noise discussed in this paper 
is only readily apparent over homogeneous surfaces 
characterized by few quantisation levels in the LANDSAT TM 
sensor, such as water. However, during the last 25 years, fears 
of sea level rise and rapid human-induced changes to coastlines 
and coastal ecosystems worldwide have increased the need for 
sensing systems capable of recording subtle spatial and 
temporal differences in coastal waters. There are many 
instances where sharp, rather than diffuse boundaries within 
waterbodies are required. These include determination of the 
land-water boundary on shallow or vegetation-infested coasts 
using LANDSAT TM near infra-red waveband (Melsheimer 
and Liew, 2001); détermining precise bathymetric limits for 
navigation purposes (ibid.); and determining the position of the 
saline-freshwater interface for extraction of water for various 
types of use and the management of coastal ecosystems which 
are sensitive to changes in salinity levels. 
As more countries become aware of imposing water quality 
standards for different types of use (eg. a maximum SS content 
is generally specified for drinking water quality and 80 mg/l. 
for fish culture and aquatic resources), then the magnitude of 
error of +/- 10mg/1.SS suggested for the vertical coherent noise 
investigated in this paper, may be regarded as unacceptable. 
References from Journals: 
Crippen, R.E., 1989. A simple spatial filtering routie for the 
cosmetic removal of scan-line noise from Landsat TM P- 
Tape imagery. Photogramm. Eng. Remote Sens. 55(3), 327- 
Murphy, J.M., Ahern, F.J. and Duff, P. 1985, Assessment of 
radiometric accuracy of LANDSAT 4 and. LANDSAT 5 
Thematic Mapper data products from Canadian production 
systems, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote 
Sensing 51(9), p.1359-1369. 
Poros, D. J. and Petersen, C.J. 1985 A method for destriping 
LANDSAT Thematic Mapper images: a feasibility study 
for an online destriping process in the Thematic Mapper 
image processing System (TIPS). Photogrammetric 
Engineering and Remote Sensing 51(9), p.1371-1378. 
Xia, Li, 1993, A united model for quantitative remote sensing 
of suspended sediment concentration. International Journal 
of Remote Sensing, 14(14):2665-2676 
References from books: 
Pease, C.B. 1991 Satellite imaging instruments. New York, 
Ellis Horwood. 
Smith, G.M and Curran, P. J. 2000 Methods for estimating 
image Signal-to Noise Ratio (SNR), in Atkinson and Tate 
(eds.) Advances in remote sensing and GIS analysis. 
Wiley, Chichester, UK. p. 61-74. 
Other references: 
Melsheimer, C. and Liew, S.C., 2001, Extracting bathymetry 
from multitemporal SPOT images. In Proc. of 22" Asian 
Conference on Remote Sensing, Singapore, 5^-9th 
November, 2001, pp. 104-109 
Taylor, D.M., Couturier, Sanderson, P., Lee 2001 A 
methodology for determining variations in the quality of 
coastal waters off southeast Sumatra, Indonesia using 
SPOT-XS data. Reference pending 

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